What a year- 2010 done & dusted!
It has been a big one: encephalitis came to visit our home and changed our lives in an extraordinary way, also my baby girl became a teenager and finished her first year of high school: gulp! My DH & I celebrated 17yrs of marriage and we are many many bricks closer to finishing our home: definitely in by Christmas eh B!!
The highlight of this year has been the people that have walked the journey with us: my beautiful good morning gals group who have shared their heart as they walk with God and encourage me so much, also the people I love who I will maybe never sit and have a coffee in person with yet bless me by praying for me and my family ( thank you xx) the people who have stepped close to my heart and held my hand and crossed miles to turn typing to faces (xx) my heart aches to again have our morning latte!
Hugs to People who have stretched my faith, shaken my brain cells, wrestled with issues and put the kettle on & listened,
God has blessed me with people to walk with us this year: Thank you to the people who are reading this - thank you for your smile in 2010, thank u for your prayers and your fun & encouragement - bring on 2011!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
He Came!!
He came!!!
He came and He left gifts!!!
Not a silly fat fairytale man in a red suit needing mumma & dads everywhere to help him keep his "promises"
I'm talking about the most significant event in our lives, in all earths history. He came. Wrapped in cloth, laid in a manger, Alive in the body of a man to restore His children to their Father. To give what we were unable to give.
He came. He didn't have to, God had been talking to people through prophets for centuries, He sent celestial wonders and miracles and spoke through holy men and women, but He knew He had to give us something more- Himself, for us- no other gift compares, no other gift has such significance, no other gift has such sacrifice. Jesus came because He loved us more than we will ever know this side of Heaven, but thanks to the fact that He came we will one day be rejoicing in understanding and glory with Him in Heaven.
Im Praying you have a lovely Christmas experiencing the gift that Jesus came to this world to give us- relationship with the Father.
He came and He left gifts!!!
Not a silly fat fairytale man in a red suit needing mumma & dads everywhere to help him keep his "promises"
I'm talking about the most significant event in our lives, in all earths history. He came. Wrapped in cloth, laid in a manger, Alive in the body of a man to restore His children to their Father. To give what we were unable to give.
He came. He didn't have to, God had been talking to people through prophets for centuries, He sent celestial wonders and miracles and spoke through holy men and women, but He knew He had to give us something more- Himself, for us- no other gift compares, no other gift has such significance, no other gift has such sacrifice. Jesus came because He loved us more than we will ever know this side of Heaven, but thanks to the fact that He came we will one day be rejoicing in understanding and glory with Him in Heaven.
Im Praying you have a lovely Christmas experiencing the gift that Jesus came to this world to give us- relationship with the Father.
word Wednesday
Friday, November 26, 2010
Weigh loss & The Glory Gals.
Since my first bub I have had a bit of excess baggage. (Hmm she is now 13...) My dear big sister gave me a nudge and I have started a journey to loose the excess weight and get more energy.
I started this journey and I realised that I was spending a good bit of time reading labels, reading recipes, adding foods to my journal and weighing in. I had a plan but one very essential component was missing. God.
I had left Him out of my diet plans.
I was relying on myself, my wisdom and my will power just like I have many times before.
Nudge, Nudge.
God is my stregnth, apart from Him I can do nothing, yet in the area of weight loss I somehow exclude God.
I have thought about this and I think it is because I feel a bit ashamed of how little self control I have.
I have been teaching my 3yo DD a song about the "Fruit of The Spirit" and wowsers - there it is- God knows we need self control and He also knows we lack it - so He gives it to us and develops it in our lives when we push into Him.
What Grace.
What love.
I dont want to open the door for the enemy to whisper condemnation and guilt in and to rub my nose in my failures. I want to run to God, seek His truth and ask for His support on this journey.
I want invite you too. I have read many other gals stories who are on this weight loss journey over the last while and it seems like alot of us have similar feelings of inadequacy, guilt, failure.
I think that it is time to say "Enough of that"
I have started a separate blog in which we can walk this journey together. Come by and visit me at "The Glory Gals" because its not about us, our lives are for His glory. Lets walk with The Lord and live how He made us to- with our image of ourselves lining up with His word.
Each week I will be putting up a post addressing just this- Who we are in Christ, what He says about us and including Scriptures and thoughts. Lets get some discussion going and make some important discoveries about who we are as Daughters of The King. Let's give Him Glory on our journey. If you would like to write a post that would be wonderful, or link up on the blog roll, pop on over to The Glory Gals
If you would like to do an online study together on specific issues then post your ideas and we can get a group together and dig into The Word.
If you would like to join me lets read and encourage each other along this journey, today is a good day to start but most of all lets invite God in.
In His Grace,
I started this journey and I realised that I was spending a good bit of time reading labels, reading recipes, adding foods to my journal and weighing in. I had a plan but one very essential component was missing. God.
I had left Him out of my diet plans.
I was relying on myself, my wisdom and my will power just like I have many times before.
Nudge, Nudge.
God is my stregnth, apart from Him I can do nothing, yet in the area of weight loss I somehow exclude God.
I have thought about this and I think it is because I feel a bit ashamed of how little self control I have.
I have been teaching my 3yo DD a song about the "Fruit of The Spirit" and wowsers - there it is- God knows we need self control and He also knows we lack it - so He gives it to us and develops it in our lives when we push into Him.
What Grace.
What love.
I dont want to open the door for the enemy to whisper condemnation and guilt in and to rub my nose in my failures. I want to run to God, seek His truth and ask for His support on this journey.
I want invite you too. I have read many other gals stories who are on this weight loss journey over the last while and it seems like alot of us have similar feelings of inadequacy, guilt, failure.
I think that it is time to say "Enough of that"
I have started a separate blog in which we can walk this journey together. Come by and visit me at "The Glory Gals" because its not about us, our lives are for His glory. Lets walk with The Lord and live how He made us to- with our image of ourselves lining up with His word.
Each week I will be putting up a post addressing just this- Who we are in Christ, what He says about us and including Scriptures and thoughts. Lets get some discussion going and make some important discoveries about who we are as Daughters of The King. Let's give Him Glory on our journey. If you would like to write a post that would be wonderful, or link up on the blog roll, pop on over to The Glory Gals
If you would like to do an online study together on specific issues then post your ideas and we can get a group together and dig into The Word.
If you would like to join me lets read and encourage each other along this journey, today is a good day to start but most of all lets invite God in.
In His Grace,
The Glory Gals,
weight loss
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Prayers for. NZ miners
My verse is 1 Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.”
I was just having a quiet cry for the families of the 29 new zealand miners who were killed today in that horrific explosion, one month to Christmas tomorrow and they may have already brought gifts for their sons,dads & hubby's and never would have expected to send them off to work and never see them again, such tragedy.
this is a harsh reminder to tell people we love them,pray for them, tell them of Jesus & to refuse to get caught up in useless bickering or worse, in apathy. Today is a gift,
tomorrow is indeed a blessing.
I was just having a quiet cry for the families of the 29 new zealand miners who were killed today in that horrific explosion, one month to Christmas tomorrow and they may have already brought gifts for their sons,dads & hubby's and never would have expected to send them off to work and never see them again, such tragedy.
this is a harsh reminder to tell people we love them,pray for them, tell them of Jesus & to refuse to get caught up in useless bickering or worse, in apathy. Today is a gift,
tomorrow is indeed a blessing.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
How deep, how wide, how much indeed!
I have really enjoyed reading today:
"That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, that ye may be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inward man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; to the end that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be strong to apprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye may be filled unto all the fulness of God."
Ephesians 3:16-20
I have so enjoyed spending time with God digging into this verse. Every word is such a rich promise and pouring of love, what hunger this stirs in my heart to ask God where He wants to use the strength & love that He abundantly has poured into my inner being- I can never say I have nothing, that I am empty- I have all of God poured in- filled in fullness- and dwelling deep in me- this is so beyond my understanding that I can't help but praise Him.
What are you reading that challenges you to press deeply into Him??
"That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, that ye may be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inward man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; to the end that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be strong to apprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye may be filled unto all the fulness of God."
Ephesians 3:16-20
I have so enjoyed spending time with God digging into this verse. Every word is such a rich promise and pouring of love, what hunger this stirs in my heart to ask God where He wants to use the strength & love that He abundantly has poured into my inner being- I can never say I have nothing, that I am empty- I have all of God poured in- filled in fullness- and dwelling deep in me- this is so beyond my understanding that I can't help but praise Him.
What are you reading that challenges you to press deeply into Him??
word Wednesday
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Fortress
Amazing God! My verse is
Philippians 4:6-7
"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."
I remember teaching scripture and being sooo scared! I used to pray & rely on the verse " out of the heart the mouth speaks" & "give me your words Lord"
God knows our situation, He is not confused or worried at it,
Life happens, sickness, fear and sin invade our everyday.
Today I was reminded through a teaching at completechristianwoman.com that God offers us shelter (ps 18) & we can choose to come into that shelter or not,if you havent been to Complete Christian woman then I have to really urge you to Put the kettle on, click on over and say hi, when you drop in you will be blessed by their teaching.
Dear One as you read this, be confident that your situation is in fact exactly what God is shaping your testimony through, as is Mine, I bet neither of us like or would have written the script to our circumstances just like it is from our limited view and we both probably struggle to find joy and peace in our everyday because we want "life " to be simpler & Better- at least I do- I almost cant remember a time without encephalitis and it's scars on my baby girls brain, time without seizures and uncertainty, but I know that God holds my future,
I trust Him with my baby girl-
I trust Him as my big girl becomes a teenager (gulp!)
I trust Him as my hubby travels, these are my circumstance and I depend on Him being my fortress into which I can confidently retreat. He has made me a promise, I have a choice to make to live in that promise or to try to make my own way.
Each of us have a story that is shaped by all that we have been thru, I would love to hear you speak your His-story,
I'll put the kettle on!!
In His joy,
Philippians 4:6-7
"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."
I remember teaching scripture and being sooo scared! I used to pray & rely on the verse " out of the heart the mouth speaks" & "give me your words Lord"
God knows our situation, He is not confused or worried at it,
Life happens, sickness, fear and sin invade our everyday.
Today I was reminded through a teaching at completechristianwoman.com that God offers us shelter (ps 18) & we can choose to come into that shelter or not,if you havent been to Complete Christian woman then I have to really urge you to Put the kettle on, click on over and say hi, when you drop in you will be blessed by their teaching.
Dear One as you read this, be confident that your situation is in fact exactly what God is shaping your testimony through, as is Mine, I bet neither of us like or would have written the script to our circumstances just like it is from our limited view and we both probably struggle to find joy and peace in our everyday because we want "life " to be simpler & Better- at least I do- I almost cant remember a time without encephalitis and it's scars on my baby girls brain, time without seizures and uncertainty, but I know that God holds my future,
I trust Him with my baby girl-
I trust Him as my big girl becomes a teenager (gulp!)
I trust Him as my hubby travels, these are my circumstance and I depend on Him being my fortress into which I can confidently retreat. He has made me a promise, I have a choice to make to live in that promise or to try to make my own way.
Each of us have a story that is shaped by all that we have been thru, I would love to hear you speak your His-story,
I'll put the kettle on!!
In His joy,
word Wednesday
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Alarm
Oh wow, how I love and hate that alarm all at once!
My baby girl- she forgets to breathe as she sleeps.
...Go..Now!! The alarm!
it rings and a wee blue baby is in the bed,
Night after night we listen- I hate that.
Panic, confusion, silence.
Yet.. I do love the alarm- it calls me to help her,
my heart races,
God listens: She takes a big breath,
Then she sleeps unaware of her mumma’s fear,
She is safe,
Lord hold her as she sleeps.
My baby girl- she forgets to breathe as she sleeps.
...Go..Now!! The alarm!
it rings and a wee blue baby is in the bed,
Night after night we listen- I hate that.
Panic, confusion, silence.
Yet.. I do love the alarm- it calls me to help her,
my heart races,
God listens: She takes a big breath,
Then she sleeps unaware of her mumma’s fear,
She is safe,
Lord hold her as she sleeps.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Time Out!!
I have been really enjoying a video study on James over at Sarah's blog at liveitoutblog.com
I started the study late and I had to laugh- we were having a toddler moment here & I needed to regroup I sat opened my Bible as I knew I had 3 minutes (if not 2 or 3 lots of 3 minutes the way the meltdown was going!!) My bookmark was ready for James 4.
Of course The opening lines are: 1 What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? 2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.
How funny & appropriate! I could just see God smile as He saw the scene in our house as I grabbed my Bible for a quick sanity save!! The desires battling within my 3 to dd & she did NOT get what she wanted and there it was a fight of meltdown proportions!! How often do I do that before God, He prompts something from His Father heart for my wellbeing or growth and I have my own plans and desires within me that bring about my own rebellion and quarrel, i get into wrong motives and granted I rarely kick, scream, spit & hit anymore ;) but my rebellion is just the same and it requires Gods righteous correction. I end up in a mess, learning lessons that all too often I have to relearn a few times.
Oh dear I am so thankful that God is much more patient with me when I have my meltdowns. I love how my toddler gives me teachable moments from Heaven, I also love that I can call on the Word for a quick mumma time out while lil 3yo C is having one too!'
I started the study late and I had to laugh- we were having a toddler moment here & I needed to regroup I sat opened my Bible as I knew I had 3 minutes (if not 2 or 3 lots of 3 minutes the way the meltdown was going!!) My bookmark was ready for James 4.
Of course The opening lines are: 1 What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? 2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.
How funny & appropriate! I could just see God smile as He saw the scene in our house as I grabbed my Bible for a quick sanity save!! The desires battling within my 3 to dd & she did NOT get what she wanted and there it was a fight of meltdown proportions!! How often do I do that before God, He prompts something from His Father heart for my wellbeing or growth and I have my own plans and desires within me that bring about my own rebellion and quarrel, i get into wrong motives and granted I rarely kick, scream, spit & hit anymore ;) but my rebellion is just the same and it requires Gods righteous correction. I end up in a mess, learning lessons that all too often I have to relearn a few times.
Oh dear I am so thankful that God is much more patient with me when I have my meltdowns. I love how my toddler gives me teachable moments from Heaven, I also love that I can call on the Word for a quick mumma time out while lil 3yo C is having one too!'
word Wednesday
Friday, October 29, 2010
She was here today- SHE WAS HERE!!
I looked into my sweet 3yo dd face and she looked back, she smiled, she talked, she played- we had a cherished times of connection today-it was like she was waking up- no seizures, no cerebral irritation- just my sweet baby girl looking at me, talking to me and playing games with me!!
Thank you Jesus fir this sweet day, your mercy and your reminder that she is indeed still in there somewhere, safe and that you are watching her, keep her safe until this illness passes and she can be fully awake and fully back where we are.
I can face tomorrow because I know who holds my future & He also holds me up.
I looked into my sweet 3yo dd face and she looked back, she smiled, she talked, she played- we had a cherished times of connection today-it was like she was waking up- no seizures, no cerebral irritation- just my sweet baby girl looking at me, talking to me and playing games with me!!
Thank you Jesus fir this sweet day, your mercy and your reminder that she is indeed still in there somewhere, safe and that you are watching her, keep her safe until this illness passes and she can be fully awake and fully back where we are.
I can face tomorrow because I know who holds my future & He also holds me up.
Say What??
Today has been a long day, took C- 3yodd to the Dr yesterday & she had a huge seizure on the Drs waiting room, which was horrible for us but excellent that they hot to actually see what is happening the dr rang a
Neurologist at kids hospital who has a specialty in encephalitis & he feels that she should be booked back into hospital in Sydney for more tests. They will call us an organize it so I guess we are heading back again :(
We had a quiet day at home playing games & colouring in.
My verse helped alot today:
Galatians 6:9
"So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up,"
What is everyone reading??
Neurologist at kids hospital who has a specialty in encephalitis & he feels that she should be booked back into hospital in Sydney for more tests. They will call us an organize it so I guess we are heading back again :(
We had a quiet day at home playing games & colouring in.
My verse helped alot today:
Galatians 6:9
"So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up,"
What is everyone reading??
Monday, October 18, 2010
Are you organized?
I'm a packing for holidays- but why am I so stressed??- my kiddos need a break,I need a break, my hubby & I definately need a break- so why am I so uptight??
Its "The day of packing the car" and the clothes and the medicines and the contact numbers are packed, in fact it has gone somewhat smoothly, the last minute panic supported by the seranade of the squabbles of the toddler & the tween- I have hear my mind say "I need just 5!." 5 caffiene filled minutes- just 5 so I can experience peace- but in fact- I think I have?!
Wait - you ask?,what??
Yep today has been one of those all together crazy days when you feel overwhelmed, unorganized & at your limit of time & patience- after all it is vacation time- it had to be right- perfection!!??
How much is life like that- expectations you can't meet- preparations to be made,choices to be fussed over- life- the process until the promise of the goal, the reward: the holiday - it's almost here and the anticipation is so great- to be ready , planned , prepared- the promise of what is to come driving me.
He sees forever- that same promise driving Him, the promise of what's to come but it has bigger eternal significance. He is always waiting & prompting " go girl- speak of me,tell them,"
Tomorrow we take a vacation together & regroup-it has been planned- I've made lists, packed & prepared- I have put in so much energy this week for my goal. It has really challenged me to think how often I put this energ, preparation & planning into reaching people for Christ- so they can meet Him & know the wonderful things of Him. I'm praying that I have a heart develop in me with the same enthusiasm for the important things: the eternal big events that actually change forever- there is a big picture, I call this stuff we give out energy to- there is a God waiting- hearing, watching, when am I going to slow down & sit with Him? It's too important, too vital- join me...
Are you organized??
Its "The day of packing the car" and the clothes and the medicines and the contact numbers are packed, in fact it has gone somewhat smoothly, the last minute panic supported by the seranade of the squabbles of the toddler & the tween- I have hear my mind say "I need just 5!." 5 caffiene filled minutes- just 5 so I can experience peace- but in fact- I think I have?!
Wait - you ask?,what??
Yep today has been one of those all together crazy days when you feel overwhelmed, unorganized & at your limit of time & patience- after all it is vacation time- it had to be right- perfection!!??
How much is life like that- expectations you can't meet- preparations to be made,choices to be fussed over- life- the process until the promise of the goal, the reward: the holiday - it's almost here and the anticipation is so great- to be ready , planned , prepared- the promise of what is to come driving me.
He sees forever- that same promise driving Him, the promise of what's to come but it has bigger eternal significance. He is always waiting & prompting " go girl- speak of me,tell them,"
Tomorrow we take a vacation together & regroup-it has been planned- I've made lists, packed & prepared- I have put in so much energy this week for my goal. It has really challenged me to think how often I put this energ, preparation & planning into reaching people for Christ- so they can meet Him & know the wonderful things of Him. I'm praying that I have a heart develop in me with the same enthusiasm for the important things: the eternal big events that actually change forever- there is a big picture, I call this stuff we give out energy to- there is a God waiting- hearing, watching, when am I going to slow down & sit with Him? It's too important, too vital- join me...
Are you organized??
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Greek Lemon Chicken Targine
1 onion chopped
Chicken Maryland pieces (1 each person)
Juice of 1 lemon & few thin slices of lemon for top of chicken
10 green beans topped & tailed and cut in inch long pieces, or chopped snow peas or asparagus whatever you have/ like
Handful of fresh thyme leaves
2-3 cloves garlic
About 8 green pitted olives & 8 prunes roughly chopped (I know your thinking prines?? -but they are REALLY lovely in chicken please trust me!)
Put half of the onion sprinkled on the base of the Targine (or deep dish casserole if you don't have one yet and are dropping subtle hints for Christmas!!)
Brown chicken pieces in a separate frypan. Put on top of onion
Deglaze frypan with the juice of one lemon & 100mls white wine ( I used traminer reisling) reduce until about 150 mls total. Add salt & pepper.
Chicken Maryland pieces (1 each person)
Juice of 1 lemon & few thin slices of lemon for top of chicken
10 green beans topped & tailed and cut in inch long pieces, or chopped snow peas or asparagus whatever you have/ like
Handful of fresh thyme leaves
2-3 cloves garlic
About 8 green pitted olives & 8 prunes roughly chopped (I know your thinking prines?? -but they are REALLY lovely in chicken please trust me!)
Put half of the onion sprinkled on the base of the Targine (or deep dish casserole if you don't have one yet and are dropping subtle hints for Christmas!!)
Brown chicken pieces in a separate frypan. Put on top of onion
Deglaze frypan with the juice of one lemon & 100mls white wine ( I used traminer reisling) reduce until about 150 mls total. Add salt & pepper.
Put a slice of lemon on the top of each Maryland , sprinkle with rest of the onion, thyme leaves, green beans,chopped garlic, prunes & olives. Pour reduced deglaze liquid over top.
Put lid on targine and cook over low heat for 1 1/2 hours- the chicken will be tender and falling off the bone. I served it with herbed couscous- delicious!!!
Linked up at Tasty Tuesday & Tempt my tummy tuesday, YUMMO!!
tempt my tummy tuesday
Thankful Tuesday just because I can't wait for Thursday!
I'm thankful for taking 15 minutes to stop & reset with my cuppa in hand in the sunshine,
I'm VERY thankful for the sandpit that is entertaining my dd3yo
I am thankful for another week of school hols to spend time with my dd13
I'm thankful for the lovely family time over the long weekend
I'm thankful for my two chicken tractors weeding the flower bed for me and watching them scratch and chortle is lovely
Im thankful for my hubby's job that pays our bills ( it's a Mudgee week for us but I'm refusing to get gloomy about him being away!)
I'm thankful for the food in my freezer and pantry as I think about my meal plan for this week
I'm thankful for my hammock seat and the sunshine on this beautiful day
I am thankful for this thankful tuesday because everytime I concentrate on what I'm truely thankful for I see that most are not material things that make me happy at all but they are the blessings I have all around me all the time!
I'm VERY thankful for the sandpit that is entertaining my dd3yo
I am thankful for another week of school hols to spend time with my dd13
I'm thankful for the lovely family time over the long weekend
I'm thankful for my two chicken tractors weeding the flower bed for me and watching them scratch and chortle is lovely
Im thankful for my hubby's job that pays our bills ( it's a Mudgee week for us but I'm refusing to get gloomy about him being away!)
I'm thankful for the food in my freezer and pantry as I think about my meal plan for this week
I'm thankful for my hammock seat and the sunshine on this beautiful day
I am thankful for this thankful tuesday because everytime I concentrate on what I'm truely thankful for I see that most are not material things that make me happy at all but they are the blessings I have all around me all the time!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Refresh 2010
This weekend I am away at Refresh 2010- Womens conference. This is a weekend of many firsts.
It is my first ever womens conference.
It is my first time away from my children.
It is my first non illness/ non hospital admission time away from my husband in 17 years of marriage.
It is my first time away with my sister ( or any girlfriend)for more than a daytime trip in almost 20 years)
It is the first time I have ever looked at something and said I NEED to be there no matter what- this is for me right now!
The theme is "Living Victoriously amidst life's storms". Sound like God smiled when He in His amazing way worked this conference info into my hands?
Jill Briscoe is the speaker, Jill is someone who I have admired and read her works for years. How I came to know of the conference was making an enquiry for one of her books "A little pot of oil" -a particular book, a particular journey, a particular need- God smiles!
I am being challenged and changed as she reveals God to us in new and personal ways- a deep hunger is building in me that I thought had gone. I am drawn to prayer by her Godly example, knowledge and her personable warmth and her palpable love for Jesus!
I am so thankful that I am here.
I am so thankful I am sharing this time with my sister,
I am so thankful there is more tomorrow,
I am so thankful for the lovely Godly women & their openess to talk with us & embracing us,
I am most thankful there is Jesus!!
It is my first ever womens conference.
It is my first time away from my children.
It is my first non illness/ non hospital admission time away from my husband in 17 years of marriage.
It is my first time away with my sister ( or any girlfriend)for more than a daytime trip in almost 20 years)
It is the first time I have ever looked at something and said I NEED to be there no matter what- this is for me right now!
The theme is "Living Victoriously amidst life's storms". Sound like God smiled when He in His amazing way worked this conference info into my hands?
Jill Briscoe is the speaker, Jill is someone who I have admired and read her works for years. How I came to know of the conference was making an enquiry for one of her books "A little pot of oil" -a particular book, a particular journey, a particular need- God smiles!
I am being challenged and changed as she reveals God to us in new and personal ways- a deep hunger is building in me that I thought had gone. I am drawn to prayer by her Godly example, knowledge and her personable warmth and her palpable love for Jesus!
I am so thankful that I am here.
I am so thankful I am sharing this time with my sister,
I am so thankful there is more tomorrow,
I am so thankful for the lovely Godly women & their openess to talk with us & embracing us,
I am most thankful there is Jesus!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Words, words, words
Last week my 13yo DD had a conversation with her teacher when she insisted that DD “Join in a Prayer right now!”
DD explained that she was confused about the nature of the prayer and didn’t feel comfortable and so she was actually just being quiet when the others were praying aloud and the lack of participation apparently deeply offended/irritated the teacher and a firm reprimand followed.
As a result there was tears, confusion, embarrassment (as DD was left sobbing in front of her classmates)
I admit the mumma bear in me got a little ruffled up.
I was in a position that I had to make a choice if my words were going to work to resolve the situation or if they were going to stir up the situation.
I didn’t really FEEL like having my words “be apples of gold, in settings of silver,” (Prov 25.11)
I was more in a rant and rave kinda mode. Someone has wronged my baby!! – thankfully (due to afterschool activity and a late pick up the school office was shut and I was graciously given the night to cool.
I had a choice to make.
I found out I can actually chose how to act and I had ALOT of prayer to make a right decision. Gentle answers actually do calm a situation and harsh ones do stir the situation up- (- who knew!!)- seems pretty simple but in deciding how to have this consultation this verse gave me alot of grounding. I had some desires that were very different but I also had to show my DD how to be able to use the verses we read in our everyday life.
This week we had a meeting with the Teacher and the Principal and the issue of whether or not a person is allowed to be silent in times of community prayer and whether or not miming or speaking the words and not meaning them was appropriate. These were difficult discussions that have caused alot of discussion about why we say things and what do we do if we have different opinions within a community. Hmmmm.
I have given alot of thought to how our words are used to bring praise and prayers to God , how they are used to control and manipulate others behaviour and how they are used to build up and sustain community.
Ultimately though our words reflect our heart. “Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Luke 6.45) and I believe that our words need to bring Glory to God first and encouragement to those that hear them second. I am struggling with this.
Do you think it is appropriate to speak aloud in prayer what is not in your heart to benefit others? Would you find someone remaining silent during a time of community prayer to be offensive?
DD explained that she was confused about the nature of the prayer and didn’t feel comfortable and so she was actually just being quiet when the others were praying aloud and the lack of participation apparently deeply offended/irritated the teacher and a firm reprimand followed.
As a result there was tears, confusion, embarrassment (as DD was left sobbing in front of her classmates)
I admit the mumma bear in me got a little ruffled up.
I was in a position that I had to make a choice if my words were going to work to resolve the situation or if they were going to stir up the situation.
I didn’t really FEEL like having my words “be apples of gold, in settings of silver,” (Prov 25.11)
I was more in a rant and rave kinda mode. Someone has wronged my baby!! – thankfully (due to afterschool activity and a late pick up the school office was shut and I was graciously given the night to cool.
I had a choice to make.
I found out I can actually chose how to act and I had ALOT of prayer to make a right decision. Gentle answers actually do calm a situation and harsh ones do stir the situation up- (- who knew!!)- seems pretty simple but in deciding how to have this consultation this verse gave me alot of grounding. I had some desires that were very different but I also had to show my DD how to be able to use the verses we read in our everyday life.
This week we had a meeting with the Teacher and the Principal and the issue of whether or not a person is allowed to be silent in times of community prayer and whether or not miming or speaking the words and not meaning them was appropriate. These were difficult discussions that have caused alot of discussion about why we say things and what do we do if we have different opinions within a community. Hmmmm.
I have given alot of thought to how our words are used to bring praise and prayers to God , how they are used to control and manipulate others behaviour and how they are used to build up and sustain community.
Ultimately though our words reflect our heart. “Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Luke 6.45) and I believe that our words need to bring Glory to God first and encouragement to those that hear them second. I am struggling with this.
Do you think it is appropriate to speak aloud in prayer what is not in your heart to benefit others? Would you find someone remaining silent during a time of community prayer to be offensive?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Morning Coffee
Come sit awhile and have a coffee, Im glad you stopped by.
I sat and had my morning coffee with my King this morning, I thought over what some of my greatest needs are and I also thought over what some of my greatest answers to prayer are and they are almost the same.
I remember the days of waiting on God for answers, miraculous answers to prayer- struggling through hardship in a season of IVF and feelings of hopelessness, inadequacy and desperation, to be blessed so miraculously with this lil baby- a lil baby that I should have never been able to have, a lil baby that showed me God cares about the desires of my heart, she is indeed a pure gift of God.
Today I still struggle and pray for her- the prayers are different- now they focus on managing illness and hope and aches of a mumma's heart. Again I see the Mighy Hand of God on our life. A lil toddler being restored by His Grace. The daily provision of energy and health that is building her lil body everyday. Healing that is stregnthening her lil mind everyday. We are having more good days with bad patches and slowly and gently God is leading me in lessons of patience and love.
In my prayers for healing for my sweet lil one, God has gently bought healing for me too. He has taken this time of suffering and drawn me gently and lovingly to Himself. I have felt comfort and security coming through the darkest times, a reassurance and a safety that I cant explain.
How can good come from hardship?- in the natural it cant.
But "In Christ all things work for good for those who love the Lord and are called for His purpose" (Romans 8.28)
How is God sustaining you in your current season? I would love to pray for you as we stop for a quiet coffee with the King.
I sat and had my morning coffee with my King this morning, I thought over what some of my greatest needs are and I also thought over what some of my greatest answers to prayer are and they are almost the same.
I remember the days of waiting on God for answers, miraculous answers to prayer- struggling through hardship in a season of IVF and feelings of hopelessness, inadequacy and desperation, to be blessed so miraculously with this lil baby- a lil baby that I should have never been able to have, a lil baby that showed me God cares about the desires of my heart, she is indeed a pure gift of God.
Today I still struggle and pray for her- the prayers are different- now they focus on managing illness and hope and aches of a mumma's heart. Again I see the Mighy Hand of God on our life. A lil toddler being restored by His Grace. The daily provision of energy and health that is building her lil body everyday. Healing that is stregnthening her lil mind everyday. We are having more good days with bad patches and slowly and gently God is leading me in lessons of patience and love.
In my prayers for healing for my sweet lil one, God has gently bought healing for me too. He has taken this time of suffering and drawn me gently and lovingly to Himself. I have felt comfort and security coming through the darkest times, a reassurance and a safety that I cant explain.
How can good come from hardship?- in the natural it cant.
But "In Christ all things work for good for those who love the Lord and are called for His purpose" (Romans 8.28)
How is God sustaining you in your current season? I would love to pray for you as we stop for a quiet coffee with the King.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Today I was sitting with my coffee and thinking about the week- Thankful thursday is a day that I like to purposefully pause and give thanks.
My two aunts from Ireland and England came to visit and again it was very tough saying goodbye. Both these lovely ladies are very strong in faith for the Lord and in a few short days we have prayed, read, talked and encouraged each other to press into God during this season. I am so thankful for their visit and the fun and fellowship we shared.
Today my DH is off to Dubbo to take a university exam for his course that he does at night. I am thankful for the time he has had to prepare and the opportunity he has to redo tis exam ( the last time he sat this exam lil C was very sick in hospital and he has had to wait 5 months to take it again) I am thankful that lil C, though she has croup, she is basically well and out of hospital for this exam week.
I sat and read Julie's blog Come Have a Peace and her post "Showering Hope" on the Baby rescue centre in Gautemala really touched my heart.
This week as My lil toddler was sick, I was worried, I took her to the hospital and she was seen by a specialist, given some medicine, had scans and treatment and we are home. It was worrying, stressful and tiring. I cannot even imagine living in a place that this was not a reality. Let alone being unable to give my baby food and watching her waste away from hunger and disease. To hear her cries as lil C had to undergo treatment that was necessary to help her was tough- it IS tough on a Mumma's heart to hear her baby cry. But to hear you baby cry and NOT be able to meet her need or know that she was hungry and you couldn't feed her - well that just makes me weep.
My lil C has been off her food- the dietician has given us special liquid nutrient drinks that she can have to help her. We have a choice of yoghurt and custard and different biscuits to tempt her to eat if she feels like it.
I look around my kitchen this morning and I have so much- I have a coffee in my hand, the breakfast plate scrapings that are going to the chickens and ducks are on the bench, there are two bananas that are starting to go a bit brown, there is the end of the loaf of bread that wasnt put back in the freezer after the toast was made and now is stale and I was thinking about making a bread & butter pudding or taking it out to the chickens. All this -and I overlook it as a true GIFT from God.
What would this mumma give to have what I throw away?
What would it mean to her?
How do I teach a grateful, thankful heart in my children and myself?
I am so blessed and often I am so ungrateful- I dont even realise what it is I have to appreciate- I overlook it as "normal" and I think this arrogance is actually very sad.
Today I am taking time to sit and realise some of the things that I am truely thankful for.Funny enough the memory verse I taught lil 3yo DD this week was "Be thankful always" and My list for starters:
My two aunts from Ireland and England came to visit and again it was very tough saying goodbye. Both these lovely ladies are very strong in faith for the Lord and in a few short days we have prayed, read, talked and encouraged each other to press into God during this season. I am so thankful for their visit and the fun and fellowship we shared.
Today my DH is off to Dubbo to take a university exam for his course that he does at night. I am thankful for the time he has had to prepare and the opportunity he has to redo tis exam ( the last time he sat this exam lil C was very sick in hospital and he has had to wait 5 months to take it again) I am thankful that lil C, though she has croup, she is basically well and out of hospital for this exam week.
I sat and read Julie's blog Come Have a Peace and her post "Showering Hope" on the Baby rescue centre in Gautemala really touched my heart.
This week as My lil toddler was sick, I was worried, I took her to the hospital and she was seen by a specialist, given some medicine, had scans and treatment and we are home. It was worrying, stressful and tiring. I cannot even imagine living in a place that this was not a reality. Let alone being unable to give my baby food and watching her waste away from hunger and disease. To hear her cries as lil C had to undergo treatment that was necessary to help her was tough- it IS tough on a Mumma's heart to hear her baby cry. But to hear you baby cry and NOT be able to meet her need or know that she was hungry and you couldn't feed her - well that just makes me weep.
My lil C has been off her food- the dietician has given us special liquid nutrient drinks that she can have to help her. We have a choice of yoghurt and custard and different biscuits to tempt her to eat if she feels like it.
I look around my kitchen this morning and I have so much- I have a coffee in my hand, the breakfast plate scrapings that are going to the chickens and ducks are on the bench, there are two bananas that are starting to go a bit brown, there is the end of the loaf of bread that wasnt put back in the freezer after the toast was made and now is stale and I was thinking about making a bread & butter pudding or taking it out to the chickens. All this -and I overlook it as a true GIFT from God.
What would this mumma give to have what I throw away?
What would it mean to her?
How do I teach a grateful, thankful heart in my children and myself?
I am so blessed and often I am so ungrateful- I dont even realise what it is I have to appreciate- I overlook it as "normal" and I think this arrogance is actually very sad.
Today I am taking time to sit and realise some of the things that I am truely thankful for.Funny enough the memory verse I taught lil 3yo DD this week was "Be thankful always" and My list for starters:
- the access I have to health care that is helping my daughter
- the house my husband has built me
- the conveniences that I have- the tv that is helping entertain my miserable toddler, the microwave that saves me time heating a snack, the washing machine & my wonderful dryer that are helping me keep on top of the washing during this rainy week.
- the lovely warm load of firewood we have for our cast iron stove
- the groceries I can walk into a store and buy
- the family I have that has come to visit and love and support us
- the ability I have to sit here and talk to you.
- I am thankful for my blogy friends!!
- Sweet California Momma has blessed me with my first ever Blog Award!!
This a big surprise and I felt very encouraged ((HUGS))
I could literally take all day and notice things to be thankful for in everything- wow what would my day look like then??
Thankful Thursday
Monday, August 30, 2010
What's Missing?
These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11, New King James Version
Have been thinking on joy lately- & my lack of it. Jesus says He gave us His joy and that it may REMAIN - not be lost, stolen, unfelt or surrendered.
Joy is given to us that we may have it as a God given reality in our everyday life. Joy is also outward fruit or evidence of the impact of God in our life. (Gal 5.22)
I want this joy.
I am going to be right in front of The King at His feet until I know it as a reality- If you need some joy too I will hopefully meet you there!!
Have been thinking on joy lately- & my lack of it. Jesus says He gave us His joy and that it may REMAIN - not be lost, stolen, unfelt or surrendered.
Joy is given to us that we may have it as a God given reality in our everyday life. Joy is also outward fruit or evidence of the impact of God in our life. (Gal 5.22)
I want this joy.
I am going to be right in front of The King at His feet until I know it as a reality- If you need some joy too I will hopefully meet you there!!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
N.Z Lemon Bread Tart
This is the easiest dessert and you make it all in the food processor- a quick zip zip and your done!!
1/2 c of icing sugar
1 C plain flour
125gm firm butter
Whiz all together in food processor til it clumps around the blade.
Drop on a floured bench.
Roll out to the size of your tin. Put in your greased tin
(I use a 10 inch round loose bottom tin.)
Pop in the freezer for 10 minutes.
Put in the oven at 160"C for 15 minutes to lightly cook.
lemon juice and zest of 2-3 lemons = 1/2 Cup
1/2 C sugar2T plain flour
100gm melted butter
4 egss
Whiz all in the food processor .
Pour over base (that is now hot & dry but not cooked through).
Put back in the oven for 25minutes until set
Dust with icing sugar, serve with cream, cour cream or yoghurt.
Too easy!
1/2 c of icing sugar
1 C plain flour
125gm firm butter
Whiz all together in food processor til it clumps around the blade.
Drop on a floured bench.
Roll out to the size of your tin. Put in your greased tin
(I use a 10 inch round loose bottom tin.)
Pop in the freezer for 10 minutes.
Put in the oven at 160"C for 15 minutes to lightly cook.
lemon juice and zest of 2-3 lemons = 1/2 Cup
1/2 C sugar2T plain flour
100gm melted butter
4 egss
Whiz all in the food processor .
Pour over base (that is now hot & dry but not cooked through).
Put back in the oven for 25minutes until set
Dust with icing sugar, serve with cream, cour cream or yoghurt.
Too easy!
tempt my tummy tuesday
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I'm trying to get in agreement with:
Psalm 27:1,3
"Light, space, zest-- that's God! So, with him on my side I'm fearless, afraid of no one and nothing. When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool."
Fear and worry and reasoning sneak back in and steal my peace.
I do get afraid.
Life happens, my toddler gets sick, my hubby goes away, my teen comes unstuck- I want this calmness and peace- not to be subject to circumstances like a puppet on a string.
I am reading to try to find an answer to grabbing hold of this peace.
Psalm 27:1,3
"Light, space, zest-- that's God! So, with him on my side I'm fearless, afraid of no one and nothing. When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool."
Fear and worry and reasoning sneak back in and steal my peace.
I do get afraid.
Life happens, my toddler gets sick, my hubby goes away, my teen comes unstuck- I want this calmness and peace- not to be subject to circumstances like a puppet on a string.
I am reading to try to find an answer to grabbing hold of this peace.
Creamy Salmon & Corn Bake
This is a standby I have when I am tired- so it is a quick easy alternative to take away.
It is also a great dish for my 13DD to cook for the family as it involves mixing everything together and putting in the oven.
420gm can of cream of mushroom soup
210gm can of salmon- drained
420gm can corn kernals- drained
1 C tasty cheese (+ 1/4c extra)
1/2 cup of cream
1/4c breadcrumbs
2 spring onions (the kids snip these with kitchen sissors)
250gm cooked pasta (great if you have leftover pasta!)
Combine soup, salmon, corn,cheese, cream, pasta & spring onions into an ovenproof bowl.
Sprinkle with crumbs and extra cheese.
Bake 180'C/375F for 20 minutes
Serve with garlic bread and a salad.
It is also a great dish for my 13DD to cook for the family as it involves mixing everything together and putting in the oven.
420gm can of cream of mushroom soup
210gm can of salmon- drained
420gm can corn kernals- drained
1 C tasty cheese (+ 1/4c extra)
1/2 cup of cream
1/4c breadcrumbs
2 spring onions (the kids snip these with kitchen sissors)
250gm cooked pasta (great if you have leftover pasta!)
Combine soup, salmon, corn,cheese, cream, pasta & spring onions into an ovenproof bowl.
Sprinkle with crumbs and extra cheese.
Bake 180'C/375F for 20 minutes
Serve with garlic bread and a salad.
tempt my tummy tuesday
Monday, August 16, 2010
I have had such a turbulent 2 days with lil C back in hospital and really sick last night and I was braced ready to be heading into the tornado again, then calm- the right nurse, the right dr, totally the wrong paediatrician ... but that is a whole other story.... we got help and in the midst if anxiety, no sleep, no beds, no family or contact (stupid shielded Emergency) we are home again.
I settled into my chair and started to read, My sweet Father speaking to me through a dear sister in Christ's words:
"When the winds come, at times they come with such force and strength that it catches me off guard. In those moments, will I choose to trust, facing the wind and embracing the flame? God does not promise that it will not be painful at times, these winds of change. But He does promise that if we will lean into it, surrender to it, He will bring us through, unscaved and much stronger."
He is just going out of His way to remind me He is with me.
Take a minute , grab a coffee and please stop over and visit Barbie , you will be glad you did.
I certainly was :)
I settled into my chair and started to read, My sweet Father speaking to me through a dear sister in Christ's words:
"When the winds come, at times they come with such force and strength that it catches me off guard. In those moments, will I choose to trust, facing the wind and embracing the flame? God does not promise that it will not be painful at times, these winds of change. But He does promise that if we will lean into it, surrender to it, He will bring us through, unscaved and much stronger."
He is just going out of His way to remind me He is with me.
Take a minute , grab a coffee and please stop over and visit Barbie , you will be glad you did.
I certainly was :)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Yay!! A good day!
Just a lil musing before bedtime- yep it's late and I have a headcold and feel pretty ordinary!! Never-the-less tonight was a shocker - lil 3 yo DD C had a really bad evening - the cerebral irritaion was dreadful- she was totally not herself, falling down, aggressive, agitated then....
WOW it hit me!
On the whole- today was a good day - with a bad patch!
Since the encephalitis we have had so many bad days with sprinklings of good bits but today- nope!- it WAS definately a GOOD day with a bad PATCH!!
We are walking through this valley- it is tough but we are walking THROUGH with the Master holding our hands and leading the way
Sleep well, I will!
Hugs. :)
WOW it hit me!
On the whole- today was a good day - with a bad patch!
Since the encephalitis we have had so many bad days with sprinklings of good bits but today- nope!- it WAS definately a GOOD day with a bad PATCH!!
We are walking through this valley- it is tough but we are walking THROUGH with the Master holding our hands and leading the way
Sleep well, I will!
Hugs. :)
We made a pizza dough that was so simple- it only had 2 ingredients!!
2 Cups Self Raising Flour
1 tub natural yoghurt
Mix! Knead and roll out to the size you want.
Add your toppings. (we used salami, ham, fetta, sundried tomato/artichoke/capsicum mix from the deli)
Bake in a preheated oven : 200'C (400'F) about 15 mins depending on your oven.
Easy as and quicker and healthier than takeaway!!
We have a ceramic pizza stone that helps give pizza a nice crispy base.
2 Cups Self Raising Flour
1 tub natural yoghurt
Mix! Knead and roll out to the size you want.
Add your toppings. (we used salami, ham, fetta, sundried tomato/artichoke/capsicum mix from the deli)
Bake in a preheated oven : 200'C (400'F) about 15 mins depending on your oven.
Easy as and quicker and healthier than takeaway!!
We have a ceramic pizza stone that helps give pizza a nice crispy base.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Hebrews 10:24 Challenge--A Spirit of Grace or a Spirit of Complaining?
I am really convicted to change my thinking and being a positive model for my family.
Yes we are going through tough times, but we ARE going THROUGH them with God and I am missing the contentment that seems to be replaced with a deep hollow "what else??..." I am searching for that contentment despite circumstances.
I am joining up below- please check out Mary Joy's site- you will be glad you did!
Seeds of Encouragement Sewn with Grace: Week 4 Hebrews 10:24 Challenge--A Spirit of Grace or a Spirit of Complaining?
Yes we are going through tough times, but we ARE going THROUGH them with God and I am missing the contentment that seems to be replaced with a deep hollow "what else??..." I am searching for that contentment despite circumstances.
I am joining up below- please check out Mary Joy's site- you will be glad you did!
Seeds of Encouragement Sewn with Grace: Week 4 Hebrews 10:24 Challenge--A Spirit of Grace or a Spirit of Complaining?
word Wednesday
Monday, August 9, 2010
Monday, Monday
Today the sun is shining and there is definately a promise of spring in the air.
My DH came home from his week away from work and when I met him at the door:
It has been a lovely weekend and I feel refreshed and full of hope.
I have for months been missing the fresh veggies we usually always have from our garden but with all the hospital trips and things the garden has fallen by the way. I really miss this place of harvest and abundance- of seeing things grow and watching God transform tiny little seeds into crops, I miss popping out and grabbing some fresh peas or some spinach and the wee ones used to eat so much more fresh veg as often they would just eat t raw from the garden.
Well I spent some time out in the sun in my veggie garden yesterday afternoon, I have been inspired by many of the pics of everyones gardens and with winter drawing to a close for us here in Australia I really am itching to get back out into the beds.
Everyone had a great time- Lil 3yo, DD was in there- not a care in her lil heart about medical reports or the events of last week- after all there was dirt to be played with! So refreshing and so lovely to hear and watch some much needed giggling. My heart was lifted.
We did lots of digging and there was weeds to get rid of and rocks to throw out and then when everything was nearly ready for planting we spread ALOT of manure over the garden- this manure made the garden rich with everything it needed to support the coming growth and harvest, then in went the seeds & seedlings and we put back the little protective netting to keep our ducks out and let the veggies grow in peace.
This is so like what is happening all around at the moment- the turning over and breaking up is difficult and hard, then stuff is added to life that just seems wrong and dreadful, but with the things of God, protection, sunshine and a little rain the garden will grow & grow and the harvest will come. Thank you Lord for the lessons you teach me in my garden.
Have a great Monday,
My DH came home from his week away from work and when I met him at the door:
![]() |
Such a sweetie! |
I have for months been missing the fresh veggies we usually always have from our garden but with all the hospital trips and things the garden has fallen by the way. I really miss this place of harvest and abundance- of seeing things grow and watching God transform tiny little seeds into crops, I miss popping out and grabbing some fresh peas or some spinach and the wee ones used to eat so much more fresh veg as often they would just eat t raw from the garden.
Well I spent some time out in the sun in my veggie garden yesterday afternoon, I have been inspired by many of the pics of everyones gardens and with winter drawing to a close for us here in Australia I really am itching to get back out into the beds.
Everyone had a great time- Lil 3yo, DD was in there- not a care in her lil heart about medical reports or the events of last week- after all there was dirt to be played with! So refreshing and so lovely to hear and watch some much needed giggling. My heart was lifted.
We did lots of digging and there was weeds to get rid of and rocks to throw out and then when everything was nearly ready for planting we spread ALOT of manure over the garden- this manure made the garden rich with everything it needed to support the coming growth and harvest, then in went the seeds & seedlings and we put back the little protective netting to keep our ducks out and let the veggies grow in peace.
This is so like what is happening all around at the moment- the turning over and breaking up is difficult and hard, then stuff is added to life that just seems wrong and dreadful, but with the things of God, protection, sunshine and a little rain the garden will grow & grow and the harvest will come. Thank you Lord for the lessons you teach me in my garden.
Have a great Monday,
Thursday, August 5, 2010
One punch- and another, then wham- here's another. Do you have days or weeks like that too? When you feel your soul can not take another blow- another problem, another conflict, not an ounce left in you for any hardship.
That's exactly how I felt last week- what changing medicine? What is that going to do?
Then WHAM!
In the mail is the specialist report- WHAM! Metabolic disorder WHAM! Genetic Disorder WHAM! WHAM ! The thud that goes into your guts & heart when you get unexpected bad medical reports.
This may be a medical report or illness but for you the stress of a big bill, the pain of broken relationship, the hurt of conflict but I'm sure you know exactly how I felt when I opened the letter. Thud, WHAM. When your head and heart start spinning-
What does this mean?
And even harder -Why?
Then the tears- the waves of sobs that come from the depths of the mumma heart that wants different things for your toddler, for no more pain and no sickness.
I didn't see this coming- but God did- He knew.
I don't know what this means for the future- He does. (Jeremiah 29.11)
I am filled with fear and anxiety- He has invited me to give the worry to Him (psalm 55.22) and He will get me through.
The hardest and most overwhelming times are when my faith is tested, refined and deepened. I have a mumma's heart and it feels like it is going to break, I have a Saviour and He says He has us in the palm of His mighty hand.
That's exactly how I felt last week- what changing medicine? What is that going to do?
Then WHAM!
In the mail is the specialist report- WHAM! Metabolic disorder WHAM! Genetic Disorder WHAM! WHAM ! The thud that goes into your guts & heart when you get unexpected bad medical reports.
This may be a medical report or illness but for you the stress of a big bill, the pain of broken relationship, the hurt of conflict but I'm sure you know exactly how I felt when I opened the letter. Thud, WHAM. When your head and heart start spinning-
What does this mean?
And even harder -Why?
Then the tears- the waves of sobs that come from the depths of the mumma heart that wants different things for your toddler, for no more pain and no sickness.
I didn't see this coming- but God did- He knew.
I don't know what this means for the future- He does. (Jeremiah 29.11)
I am filled with fear and anxiety- He has invited me to give the worry to Him (psalm 55.22) and He will get me through.
The hardest and most overwhelming times are when my faith is tested, refined and deepened. I have a mumma's heart and it feels like it is going to break, I have a Saviour and He says He has us in the palm of His mighty hand.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Homemade Dishwasher Powder
I have been using the Finish Powerball tablets for my dishwasher and they are realy good but very expensive. I buy them in bulk in Big W for $50 for 112 (Box contains 8 boxes of 14 which is about 0.45 a dishwasher load) as aopposed to about $7 a pack of 14 in the groceries (woolworths) It is a saving to buy the big box at Big W but it is still quite expensive.
I decided that since I was so happy with my Laundry Liquid I would search out a homemade dishwashing powder recipe. There are lots and lots of recipes and much debate about the quality and the ingredients.
The one I use is:
1/2 c of borax (from the laundry aisle in woolworths)
1/2 C of washing soda* (Lectic soda powder in the laundry aisle at woolies)
1/4 C of table salt
1/4C of citric acid (you get this in woolies in the cake aisle near the baking powder and cream of tartar , you can also buy it more cheaply & in bigger quantities and from Home Brewer shops)
Put everything in a screwtop jar and shake. Label and store in your safe chemical cupboard so no lil people can get to it just as you would the dishwasher tablets.
Use 1 tablespoon per dishwasher load.
NOTE: Washing soda is Sodium Carbonate and in australia it is called Lectic Soda and is in the Laundry Aisle and comes as crystals or a fine white powder. I use the powder one. DO NOT USE BAKING SODA which is sodium bicarbonate or your dishes will come out with a white film over them!)
Keep the ratios the same and you can make up bigger quantities for convenience. But as these are ingredients I keep handy all the time and it literally takes 2 shakes to make up I make up a batch about every 2-3 weeks as I need it. We use our dishwasher EVERYDAY :( and dont pre-rinse as we are on tank water. If I have a very tough stain like the lasagna baking dish or boiled potatoes that have gone rock hard I will just fill the dish with hot water and soak overnight just like I did with the store bought one.
I made up a small sample and tried it over many loads over a week and it worked just brilliantly- and in my opinion -it did a better job of cleaning the glassware than the finish did.
I decided that since I was so happy with my Laundry Liquid I would search out a homemade dishwashing powder recipe. There are lots and lots of recipes and much debate about the quality and the ingredients.
The one I use is:
1/2 c of borax (from the laundry aisle in woolworths)
1/2 C of washing soda* (Lectic soda powder in the laundry aisle at woolies)
1/4 C of table salt
1/4C of citric acid (you get this in woolies in the cake aisle near the baking powder and cream of tartar , you can also buy it more cheaply & in bigger quantities and from Home Brewer shops)
Put everything in a screwtop jar and shake. Label and store in your safe chemical cupboard so no lil people can get to it just as you would the dishwasher tablets.
Use 1 tablespoon per dishwasher load.
NOTE: Washing soda is Sodium Carbonate and in australia it is called Lectic Soda and is in the Laundry Aisle and comes as crystals or a fine white powder. I use the powder one. DO NOT USE BAKING SODA which is sodium bicarbonate or your dishes will come out with a white film over them!)
Keep the ratios the same and you can make up bigger quantities for convenience. But as these are ingredients I keep handy all the time and it literally takes 2 shakes to make up I make up a batch about every 2-3 weeks as I need it. We use our dishwasher EVERYDAY :( and dont pre-rinse as we are on tank water. If I have a very tough stain like the lasagna baking dish or boiled potatoes that have gone rock hard I will just fill the dish with hot water and soak overnight just like I did with the store bought one.
I made up a small sample and tried it over many loads over a week and it worked just brilliantly- and in my opinion -it did a better job of cleaning the glassware than the finish did.
dishwasher powder,
Homemade Laundry Liquid
My DD 13 & I have wanted to make laundry liquid together for quite a while and when we came across the Duggars recipe we gave it a go- I figure they do quality control on 18 kids every week including little boys so it must be good at getting out many varied stains!!
Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap- Front or top load machine
4 Cups - hot tap water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar (I used a bar of Sard Soap)
1 Cup Washing Soda ( I used powder Lectic Soda- it is in the laundry aisle at woolworths- it must be Sodium Carbonate- not baking soda which is sodium bicarbonate)
½ Cup Borax (Also form the laundry aisle in woolworths in a green tub)
- Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.
-Fill a 5 gallon (18 L) bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.
-Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. You can use empty 3L milk bottle or the clear 2 or 3L apple/OJ fruit juice bottles.I store them in big bottles and every few weeks pour into a small bottle to use so it is a bit easier.
Shake before each use. (will gel)
-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil. (I didnt because I was satisfied woith the sard soap smell)
-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons. (36L)
-Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)
-Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)
It doesnt suds up very much but does a terrific job of cleaning the clothes.
I occasionally add an extra scoop of napisan or sard just like I would if I was using store bought detergent to get tough toddler stains out. I love it & I enjoyed making it with M, so I wont be buying laundry liquid anymore
Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap- Front or top load machine
4 Cups - hot tap water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar (I used a bar of Sard Soap)
1 Cup Washing Soda ( I used powder Lectic Soda- it is in the laundry aisle at woolworths- it must be Sodium Carbonate- not baking soda which is sodium bicarbonate)
½ Cup Borax (Also form the laundry aisle in woolworths in a green tub)
- Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.
-Fill a 5 gallon (18 L) bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.
-Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. You can use empty 3L milk bottle or the clear 2 or 3L apple/OJ fruit juice bottles.I store them in big bottles and every few weeks pour into a small bottle to use so it is a bit easier.
Shake before each use. (will gel)
-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil. (I didnt because I was satisfied woith the sard soap smell)
-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons. (36L)
-Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)
-Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)
It doesnt suds up very much but does a terrific job of cleaning the clothes.
I occasionally add an extra scoop of napisan or sard just like I would if I was using store bought detergent to get tough toddler stains out. I love it & I enjoyed making it with M, so I wont be buying laundry liquid anymore
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Whatcha thinking??
Philippians 4.8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
I have seen this verse everywhere I look this week!! I really need to obey it and take my thoughts and hold them up to this- I think on probs/ worries/peoples mistakes & focus on how i feel and gnaw on it- but God says DON'T!!
Instead I need to be obedient and think on these things: truth, noble, right, pure,lovely, admirable,excellent, praiseworthy - wow according to this how much junk should I just be saying to myself "nope- not going there" I also need to hold my words accountable to this too.
This is tough for me.
Yesterday I printed this verse out and put it up to see to try to remind me as God has just been bringing it up over & over so I want to really learn what He would have me learn.
So watcha thinking??
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
I have seen this verse everywhere I look this week!! I really need to obey it and take my thoughts and hold them up to this- I think on probs/ worries/peoples mistakes & focus on how i feel and gnaw on it- but God says DON'T!!
Instead I need to be obedient and think on these things: truth, noble, right, pure,lovely, admirable,excellent, praiseworthy - wow according to this how much junk should I just be saying to myself "nope- not going there" I also need to hold my words accountable to this too.
This is tough for me.
Yesterday I printed this verse out and put it up to see to try to remind me as God has just been bringing it up over & over so I want to really learn what He would have me learn.
So watcha thinking??
word Wednesday
Friday, July 23, 2010
Quick- what is the time?
I have been catching up on some emails because I have been a bit busy lately and have not been on top of things.
Funny eh! How often do we say this? How often is it true?
Yes we are REALLY busy, probably busier than any other time in history for women.
Our daily journals and calendars are PACKED with appointments, our "to do" list looks more like a encyclopedia's table of contents than a prompt for little tasks that we dont want to slip our mind.
We are so busy that we cant always (or dare I say it often?!) fit in our time with the Lord.
But come on girls- are we being honest with ourselves? Are we plain being decieved? or worse being self- decieved?
Lets really open our eyes:
Are we so busy that we must leave the house in our pjs because we just could spare the time to get dressed and brush our hair and teeth? (Im not talking about the bus- run- or the fact that Im typing this in my pj's!! Im talking about the grocery store, the post office, work, church, - I have never heard- "nope- I just couldn't spare the time to get dressed this morning!"
Or maybe are we sooo busy that we just plain couldnt eat today?
I hear you saying..." Yep I've left the house and skipped breakfast" but what did you do all morning? I know I looked for opportunities to grab a bite- a takeaway coffee or a breakfast bar from my purse. If I get to lunchtime and still havent eaten, I feel terrible, I am definately not functioning at my best. I am really determined by now to slow down and swing by the drive-thru, or take a swig out of the toddler's juice bottle. If I dont and I am still racing around by 2pm I am just about ready to eat those unidentified crackers from beside the toddlers car- seat.
If one of our girlfriends sees us in the street and says "wow, you look dreadful" and it is revealed that it is 3pm and you still havent eaten today, I can gaurantee she will grab you by the sleeve and march you to a cafe, or pull a trusty cereal bar from HER purse to tide you over.
You get it- We make it a priority to feed our bodies.
If we dont we get sick.
We need to make it a priority to feed our Spirit- if we dont we will get REALLY sick.
We need to be that aware of the vital importance our time with the Lord is and as committed to consuming the Word as we are to our earthly eatting. As sisters in Christ we need to be watching out for our sisters- ready to check if they are ok today and be ready with a spiritual muesli bar as the case may be.
I have been so blessed to be part of a "Good Morning Girls" group for some months now and each lady in this group has asked to be accountable to the rest of the group for making her time with the Lord a priority. I love the Lord. I want to make Him my focus and priority as the stuff of life seems to pile up no matter how much I get done in the day. I love the group as they help me stay accountable (or convicted as the case may be...) Every weekday we spend time reading the word and then send of a quick email to the rest of the group. It is not a Bible study or forum for preaching, it is about saying, "I read this today and I learned this" or "I ddin't make it today, please pray for me tomorrow" but it has been an tremendous blessing to me. The girls in my group have prayed for me, encouraged me, and taught me.
I challenge you to make your time with the Lord your priority .
Last week on Scripture Dig there was a FANTASTIC Alphabet Priorities Poster.
Please check it out- It is now printed and pasted on my biggest excuse or diverter of time from the Lord- ;;';;./; -pl'lo opps, sorry, the tape got in the way of the "Send" button,
Blessings all
Funny eh! How often do we say this? How often is it true?
Yes we are REALLY busy, probably busier than any other time in history for women.
Our daily journals and calendars are PACKED with appointments, our "to do" list looks more like a encyclopedia's table of contents than a prompt for little tasks that we dont want to slip our mind.
We are so busy that we cant always (or dare I say it often?!) fit in our time with the Lord.
But come on girls- are we being honest with ourselves? Are we plain being decieved? or worse being self- decieved?
Lets really open our eyes:
Are we so busy that we must leave the house in our pjs because we just could spare the time to get dressed and brush our hair and teeth? (Im not talking about the bus- run- or the fact that Im typing this in my pj's!! Im talking about the grocery store, the post office, work, church, - I have never heard- "nope- I just couldn't spare the time to get dressed this morning!"
Or maybe are we sooo busy that we just plain couldnt eat today?
I hear you saying..." Yep I've left the house and skipped breakfast" but what did you do all morning? I know I looked for opportunities to grab a bite- a takeaway coffee or a breakfast bar from my purse. If I get to lunchtime and still havent eaten, I feel terrible, I am definately not functioning at my best. I am really determined by now to slow down and swing by the drive-thru, or take a swig out of the toddler's juice bottle. If I dont and I am still racing around by 2pm I am just about ready to eat those unidentified crackers from beside the toddlers car- seat.
If one of our girlfriends sees us in the street and says "wow, you look dreadful" and it is revealed that it is 3pm and you still havent eaten today, I can gaurantee she will grab you by the sleeve and march you to a cafe, or pull a trusty cereal bar from HER purse to tide you over.
You get it- We make it a priority to feed our bodies.
If we dont we get sick.
We need to make it a priority to feed our Spirit- if we dont we will get REALLY sick.
We need to be that aware of the vital importance our time with the Lord is and as committed to consuming the Word as we are to our earthly eatting. As sisters in Christ we need to be watching out for our sisters- ready to check if they are ok today and be ready with a spiritual muesli bar as the case may be.
I have been so blessed to be part of a "Good Morning Girls" group for some months now and each lady in this group has asked to be accountable to the rest of the group for making her time with the Lord a priority. I love the Lord. I want to make Him my focus and priority as the stuff of life seems to pile up no matter how much I get done in the day. I love the group as they help me stay accountable (or convicted as the case may be...) Every weekday we spend time reading the word and then send of a quick email to the rest of the group. It is not a Bible study or forum for preaching, it is about saying, "I read this today and I learned this" or "I ddin't make it today, please pray for me tomorrow" but it has been an tremendous blessing to me. The girls in my group have prayed for me, encouraged me, and taught me.
I challenge you to make your time with the Lord your priority .
Last week on Scripture Dig there was a FANTASTIC Alphabet Priorities Poster.
Please check it out- It is now printed and pasted on my biggest excuse or diverter of time from the Lord- ;;';;./; -pl'lo opps, sorry, the tape got in the way of the "Send" button,
Blessings all
Faith Filled Friday,
to do,
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Today I was Reading an update from my nephew-in-law as he begins a new chapter in his missionary work, I want to share it with you, I have really been challenged by the post and would appreciate it if you took time to visit and leave a message of encouragement for Brad as he starts his latest journey.
He simply asks for prayer for a man he met and talks of the challenges that they are facing sharing the Gospel in Indonesia.
That kind of persecution is so different from our experience in Australia- to fear for your very life or worse that of your family- I cant even imagine how terrifying the reality of that is.
As I was praying for the men's boldness & safety to speak for the Father & I was humbly challenged to examine my own boldness for Christ.
We are so blessed with safety and comfort and often we don't speak about our relationship with Christ because we worry we might be embarrassed or rejected- in fact most people ACTUALLY NEVER have been mocked or rejected they just fear they might be. The enemy has done such a good job of starting us thinking that if we speak love, hope & relationship into their lives we will be laughed at & that is somehow more tragic than eternal separation from Christ.
Please stop by and encourage Brad. He is a young man (just 22) with a heart for the Lord and needs covered in prayer and encouragement as he enters this new missionfield on Indonesia and speaks about his heart for the Father.
Please visit http://thirteenthree.org.au/blog/21/07/2010/pray-for-boldness/comment-page-1/#comment-12
He simply asks for prayer for a man he met and talks of the challenges that they are facing sharing the Gospel in Indonesia.
That kind of persecution is so different from our experience in Australia- to fear for your very life or worse that of your family- I cant even imagine how terrifying the reality of that is.
As I was praying for the men's boldness & safety to speak for the Father & I was humbly challenged to examine my own boldness for Christ.
We are so blessed with safety and comfort and often we don't speak about our relationship with Christ because we worry we might be embarrassed or rejected- in fact most people ACTUALLY NEVER have been mocked or rejected they just fear they might be. The enemy has done such a good job of starting us thinking that if we speak love, hope & relationship into their lives we will be laughed at & that is somehow more tragic than eternal separation from Christ.
Please stop by and encourage Brad. He is a young man (just 22) with a heart for the Lord and needs covered in prayer and encouragement as he enters this new missionfield on Indonesia and speaks about his heart for the Father.
Please visit http://thirteenthree.org.au/blog/21/07/2010/pray-for-boldness/comment-page-1/#comment-12
Thankful Thursday
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Big smiles!
Today is full of Happy smiles after GOOD news at her hearing test- C measured 20-23dB which is only a very mild loss so NO more hearing aides!!
This time last year 3yo DD C had a 65dB loss ( moderate- severe loss) which fluctuated to 100dB on bad days (couldnt hear the sound of a jet engine)
Today they say that though her expected hearing should be between 2-5 dB for her age she hears at 20-23dB- about the same level as most adults which is perfectly fine for speech development!! She will need another test in a year but no hearing aides!!!!
Thank you for your prayers and biggest hugs
This time last year 3yo DD C had a 65dB loss ( moderate- severe loss) which fluctuated to 100dB on bad days (couldnt hear the sound of a jet engine)
Today they say that though her expected hearing should be between 2-5 dB for her age she hears at 20-23dB- about the same level as most adults which is perfectly fine for speech development!! She will need another test in a year but no hearing aides!!!!
Thank you for your prayers and biggest hugs
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A stop off for peace
Caitlyn is going back for her hearing test to determine if she needs her hearing aides back in or not- it was re-sheduled to 11am tomorrow- & I started to feel a bit panicky then i got to grab some time alone & the reading for today was just scripture I needed tonight:
Matthew 6:25-33
"If you decide for God, living a life of God-worship, it follows that you don't fuss about what's on the table at mealtimes or whether the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds. "Has anyone by fussing in front of the mirror ever gotten taller by so much as an inch? All this time and money wasted on fashion--do you think it makes that much difference? Instead of looking at the fashions, walk out into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They never primp or shop, but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them. "If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers--most of which are never even seen--don't you think he'll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
He is a good loving faithful Father, I have no need to fear or worry- He knows already her test results, He loves her and has a good plan for her lil life and will take care of us- as He has shown us over & over again. Ah, I love the peace of resting in His care -
Hugs all,
Matthew 6:25-33
"If you decide for God, living a life of God-worship, it follows that you don't fuss about what's on the table at mealtimes or whether the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds. "Has anyone by fussing in front of the mirror ever gotten taller by so much as an inch? All this time and money wasted on fashion--do you think it makes that much difference? Instead of looking at the fashions, walk out into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They never primp or shop, but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them. "If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers--most of which are never even seen--don't you think he'll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
He is a good loving faithful Father, I have no need to fear or worry- He knows already her test results, He loves her and has a good plan for her lil life and will take care of us- as He has shown us over & over again. Ah, I love the peace of resting in His care -
Hugs all,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Today I was reading a wonderful passage:
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28 NIV
I was watching my toddler sleep and was thinking how relaxed & contented she was curled up in her bed- she wasn't listening for anything, her total trust was in us being there and keeping her safe.
If she does wake in the night - there is a lil soft call "mum..." she does NOT lie there and reason- "should I call," " will she hear me," "does she even want to hear me," "is she trying to teach me a lesson?" -she just calls: for her that is who I am- I am mum and she is 3 & C has her simple childlike faith & trust in me to meet her needs.
I need to re-kindle that simple faith in my heart. That child like dependence that stops reasoning, stops doing all "on my own" and whisper out or even shout out- as the case may be "Father" and give my fears, troubles, worrys and weakness to Him- He
has even written it down to remind us that He WANTS us to come to Him when we are burdened and troubled!
Most times my lil C doesn't even always explain- she calls. I come and I see & know what she needs- So does the Father- I just need to call a little more often.
Have an awesome day!!
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28 NIV
I was watching my toddler sleep and was thinking how relaxed & contented she was curled up in her bed- she wasn't listening for anything, her total trust was in us being there and keeping her safe.
If she does wake in the night - there is a lil soft call "mum..." she does NOT lie there and reason- "should I call," " will she hear me," "does she even want to hear me," "is she trying to teach me a lesson?" -she just calls: for her that is who I am- I am mum and she is 3 & C has her simple childlike faith & trust in me to meet her needs.
I need to re-kindle that simple faith in my heart. That child like dependence that stops reasoning, stops doing all "on my own" and whisper out or even shout out- as the case may be "Father" and give my fears, troubles, worrys and weakness to Him- He
has even written it down to remind us that He WANTS us to come to Him when we are burdened and troubled!
Most times my lil C doesn't even always explain- she calls. I come and I see & know what she needs- So does the Father- I just need to call a little more often.
Have an awesome day!!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Lost inthe dark
Struggling and under a dark cloud of stress, fear & depression.
I feel lost abandoned,
no decision is easy,
all around fear is waiting,
all that I love us threatened
consumed in this fog
how do I get out
what do i do to help my family
How do I breathe
Lord I am crying out for your help
I need your stregnth, your rescue
I need to be held tight in Your Arms
I need you in my decisions
I have nothing left,
everything hurts
Everything feels too much
Help me please help me
I am not afraid or lost when you walk beside me,
Please open my eyes, awake me from this dark dream
Leet me feel you near me,
Let me hear your direction
Let me be safe in your love & light
Lord help me in the midst of all this pain and trouble.
Psalm 42:5
Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God– soon I’ll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He’s my God.
I feel lost abandoned,
no decision is easy,
all around fear is waiting,
all that I love us threatened
consumed in this fog
how do I get out
what do i do to help my family
How do I breathe
Lord I am crying out for your help
I need your stregnth, your rescue
I need to be held tight in Your Arms
I need you in my decisions
I have nothing left,
everything hurts
Everything feels too much
Help me please help me
I am not afraid or lost when you walk beside me,
Please open my eyes, awake me from this dark dream
Leet me feel you near me,
Let me hear your direction
Let me be safe in your love & light
Lord help me in the midst of all this pain and trouble.
Psalm 42:5
Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God– soon I’ll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He’s my God.
Monday, June 28, 2010
I found this a great truth today,
God didn’t promise
days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain,
but He did promise
strength for the day,
comfort for the tears,
and light for the way.
Read this very slowly and let it sink in…
If God brings you to it,
He will bring you through it.
Hugs for you today
God didn’t promise
days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain,
but He did promise
strength for the day,
comfort for the tears,
and light for the way.
Read this very slowly and let it sink in…
If God brings you to it,
He will bring you through it.
Hugs for you today
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Slow cooker recipe ideas
I love my slow cooker at the moment with all the busy-ness in the days since this season of illness came, I am very concious of how it is good to have the early evening settled & dinner made ahead of time & hot & smelling fab when everyone comes in. I found this free e-book of slow cooker recipes that are a little different from the usual ho- hum slow cooker casseroles. I thought I’d like to share it with you:
it has some really nice sounding new ideas that I am looking forward to trying. I will post my favourites and I’d appreciate if you try some too leave me a comment of what you thought & we can put some new ideas into our meal plans- I am going to try the golden chops this week
have a wonderful day :)
it has some really nice sounding new ideas that I am looking forward to trying. I will post my favourites and I’d appreciate if you try some too leave me a comment of what you thought & we can put some new ideas into our meal plans- I am going to try the golden chops this week
have a wonderful day :)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Family Update
This week ahs been a mixed bag. Our lil 3yo DD's bowel started bleeding again yesterday and the cerebral symptoms are increasing - the dr thinks that because she has had a slight cold that has increased the lymph nodes in her tummy just marginally which is enough to pinch of her bowel again and increase the pressure in her head. We are praying and she is back on fluids for now.
I am due in the eye hosptal again friday to see how much damage has been done to my vision ( I had an incomplete stroke on mothers day and that has effected my left arm and left eye/ face) My vision is much less but is improving everyday so I am thankful.
DH has broken his foot and is off work on crutches.
It is all happening. I am so dependant on my time in the Word and am gaurding that time as a priority at the moment because I feel out of stregnth. Seems to be wave after wave. I got a timely email prayer today that has been such a blessing:
GOD'S PERFECT POWER 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Dear Father,
Your grace is sufficient for me. Your power is made perfect in weakness.
When I am weak, Christ's power will shine through and lift me up. Please let this happen!
For Christ's sake help me to be content with whatever you let come
my way - weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and
calamities - for when I am weak, then I am strong!
Let me be strong with your strength even when consumed by my own weaknesses.
In the name of Him who is my strength, Jesus Christ.
I am due in the eye hosptal again friday to see how much damage has been done to my vision ( I had an incomplete stroke on mothers day and that has effected my left arm and left eye/ face) My vision is much less but is improving everyday so I am thankful.
DH has broken his foot and is off work on crutches.
It is all happening. I am so dependant on my time in the Word and am gaurding that time as a priority at the moment because I feel out of stregnth. Seems to be wave after wave. I got a timely email prayer today that has been such a blessing:
GOD'S PERFECT POWER 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Dear Father,
Your grace is sufficient for me. Your power is made perfect in weakness.
When I am weak, Christ's power will shine through and lift me up. Please let this happen!
For Christ's sake help me to be content with whatever you let come
my way - weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and
calamities - for when I am weak, then I am strong!
Let me be strong with your strength even when consumed by my own weaknesses.
In the name of Him who is my strength, Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
In the water
Today I read this an it really touched my heart: "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Isaiah 43:2 NIV"
God says the storms they will come but He will be with me when I am IN them. So WHEN the storm passes, I might be soaked but I won’t be swept away.
I will be supernaturally protected by Him and what everyone thinks should happen/ the natural or expected outcomes are not the rule. There is evidence of this everyday in my life- children with senso-neural hearing loss never in the natural regain their hearing- but my yo DD has been without her hearing aides for 6 months now & her hearing & speech is developing everyday.
I do fear and I need to remember the promises that God has spoken to us through His word and not get into reaoning and the natural outcomes.
Thank you Lord for the history I have in my life of how you have brought me through the storms. Help me trust You more and lay my worries down and stop trying to pick them up again and try to work them out in the natural world. Amen.
Check out steadymom’s 30 min. blog challenge:
God says the storms they will come but He will be with me when I am IN them. So WHEN the storm passes, I might be soaked but I won’t be swept away.
I will be supernaturally protected by Him and what everyone thinks should happen/ the natural or expected outcomes are not the rule. There is evidence of this everyday in my life- children with senso-neural hearing loss never in the natural regain their hearing- but my yo DD has been without her hearing aides for 6 months now & her hearing & speech is developing everyday.
I do fear and I need to remember the promises that God has spoken to us through His word and not get into reaoning and the natural outcomes.
Thank you Lord for the history I have in my life of how you have brought me through the storms. Help me trust You more and lay my worries down and stop trying to pick them up again and try to work them out in the natural world. Amen.
Check out steadymom’s 30 min. blog challenge:
word Wednesday
17 years on...
Last week I couldn't post my first in the challenge because my DHbroke his foot and again we were in the emergency room, now with crutches and physio and pills I am in a better
position to reminisce!!
Oday I looked over our wedding photos and a few things really struck me-
1. I had a tiny waist!!! No baby hips :)
2. Both our parents were in the photos- that is not a reality in our (or our childrens) lives-1 by choice to leave us the other is singing in heaven
3. How very young and relaxed we looked!
I think on our vows and we had traditional vows and we choose the "for better or worse" (& wow over the last 17 years have we put that to the test but every single time God has turned the "worse" into our better) and "to love, honour & obey"- the first person I ever promised too obey of my own choice, freely. I was not forced or made to obey by will or dominence but I promised to obey out of respect & love.
I have NEVER been submissive or weak - in fact I tend to be the opposite- the gal who is capable to get by and survive, a pioneer to independence & competence. Thankfully God has given me a man who completes me and whom my love is overflowing- He is someone I deeply respect and I love to be around and yes I do love to obey because this completes the part of me that doesn't know and doesn't understand- the part that God sees and planned for when He bought this wonderful man into my life.
Still a shame about my waist ;)
position to reminisce!!
Oday I looked over our wedding photos and a few things really struck me-
1. I had a tiny waist!!! No baby hips :)
2. Both our parents were in the photos- that is not a reality in our (or our childrens) lives-1 by choice to leave us the other is singing in heaven
3. How very young and relaxed we looked!
I think on our vows and we had traditional vows and we choose the "for better or worse" (& wow over the last 17 years have we put that to the test but every single time God has turned the "worse" into our better) and "to love, honour & obey"- the first person I ever promised too obey of my own choice, freely. I was not forced or made to obey by will or dominence but I promised to obey out of respect & love.
I have NEVER been submissive or weak - in fact I tend to be the opposite- the gal who is capable to get by and survive, a pioneer to independence & competence. Thankfully God has given me a man who completes me and whom my love is overflowing- He is someone I deeply respect and I love to be around and yes I do love to obey because this completes the part of me that doesn't know and doesn't understand- the part that God sees and planned for when He bought this wonderful man into my life.
Still a shame about my waist ;)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Cinnabon Buns!- Yum
I wanted to make a special breakfast on Monday- it was a public holiday here in Australia and I got this recipe from Rae at A likely Story in her recipe archives. I have never made Cinnamon Rolls before and they were so easy and delicious.
1¼ oz. pckg. Yeast
1 c. warm milk
½ c. granulated sugar
1/3 c. melted butter (do not subsititue margarine!)
1 t. salt1/3 c. melted butter (do not subsititue margarine!)
2 eggs
4 c. all-purpose flourFilling:
1 c. packed brown sugar (I just sprinkle as much as I like)
2½ TBS. cinnamon
1/3 c. butter
3 TBS. butter, softened
3/4 c. confectioners sugar
2 oz. cream cheese
½ t. real vanilla extract (or almond extract, which ever you prefer)
1/8 t. salt (I didn't use the salt- its up to you)
(1) Disolve yeast in milk.
(2) Mix in sugar, butter, salt, eggs, flour. Mix well.
(3) Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface. Knead into a large ball. Cover; let rise 1 hour.
(4) Roll dough into a 21" x 16" wide rectangle. With the butter softened, I just use my fingers to spread it generously over the dough. Load 'er up with the filling (see below).
(5) Roll from long-side to short-side. Pinch the ends.
(6) Using very sharp knife cut into 1 inch wide rolls, making sixteen. If want fewer, bigger rolls, cut them wider.
(6) Grease (butter) your preferred baking pan (I like mine to be all squished up next to the other)- I generally use an 11"x 15" pan. Then place rolls in pan. Preheat Oven to 400° F/ 200C. Let the rolls rise for 30 minutes. (8) Bake until the rolls are slightly browned and not doughy. This will vary according to your oven. Mine took about 7 minutes and two got a bit dark but they perfect.
(9) When done, take 'em out and cover them in the delicious icing.While dough is rising, prepare the filling and the icing. Clean-up a little and then go read a chapter or two in your book.
(1)Soften butter, so that it is spreadable.
(3) Sprinkle brown sugar over entire buttered rectangle. Use more if you like more.
(4) Now sprinkle the cinnamon over the now sugary, buttery, doughy, rectangle.
Cream it all together with an electric mixer and Spread on hot rolls.
Yum, I will put the kettle on,
tempt my tummy tuesday
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Power naps and paint
Today started a VERY long time ago. Since the encephalitis our beautiful contented sleepy toddler has become a power napper. So today began at 4.40am- she was done- I was not!!
My dear hubby is on his sheduled week away for work and the reality of little sleep and much worry seemed a bit much today- UNTIL .....
Yep! When ever I have a "nope I just have nothing left Lord" cry He says "finally!- can you sit down awhile and let me get what I need done!"
I keep laying my situation at His feet and then sneaking back and picking it up again- madness of the sleep deprived! Today was a gentle lesson right in the midst of the mayhem.
Today I have been mulling over two scriptures that on first read were 'yep-check, good verse but not underlining and leap of the page as applicable for today but hey alot can happen in 20 hours of daytime!!
Colossians 3:13
Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. Hmmm even tempered, content- they have not been in abundance lately, then came my opportunity to forgive, I have to say- really not so quick.
My DD gym teacher sent her home a demerits note for me to sign and return for not having her full uniform for the 2nd time this year. He had dates as evidence of the misdemeanor- the first was on the day dear 3yo was readmitted to hospital some 300km away facing emergency surgery to untwist her bowel, the second was today when she put on her jacket without her jumper ( as her classmate spilt paint all over her new pure wool school jumper and kilt yesterday and we had to leave them in at the drycleaners to see if they can be salvaged or if it is going to be a new full uniform.) We had a spare size up kilt. (& some VERY talented mumma pinning at 10pm last night) but no spare woolen jumper, so when the temp got down to 3'C and the sleet started to fall DD put on her jacket. Apparently you must nit wear your jacket without your jumper- if she had her jumper she could wear her jacket but just a jacket - nope! Not on! Demeritable offence with a letter home to prove it.
How do I respond?!, my mumma dander is ruffled big time, I am ready to march down there.... You get the picture and it's not a pretty one, I've been wronged, my bear cub has been threatened and bless me I'm in the right- not much grace, or quick forgiveness, hmmmm...
For months I have had not much that I can do, then hey- this obscure lil situation over a uniform comes up and wham!! Off comes my head, peace goes, grace gone, forgiveness and mercy well they didn't even get in the room. Then back comes Colossians 3:13
Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you." hmmmmmm.
Thank you Lord for lessons learned in deep ditches, Thank you Lord for lessons learned by stubborn heads, Thank you Lord that DD didn't give me that note til after the school switchboard was closed ( see-never say teens dont have wisdom- clearly they do!!)
Thank you Lord for my second scripture today:
Psalm 119:173 says "Let Your hand become my help". Fear not, I am with you - O be not dismayed, For I am thy God, I will still give you aid, I'll strengthen you, help you, and cause you to stand, Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand."
Thank you Lord for being gentle with me as I learn I am not really standing at all and mostly Lord thank you that you have me held in your hand,
Hugs all, goodnight- I have a 4 hour power nap to do :)
My dear hubby is on his sheduled week away for work and the reality of little sleep and much worry seemed a bit much today- UNTIL .....
Yep! When ever I have a "nope I just have nothing left Lord" cry He says "finally!- can you sit down awhile and let me get what I need done!"
I keep laying my situation at His feet and then sneaking back and picking it up again- madness of the sleep deprived! Today was a gentle lesson right in the midst of the mayhem.
Today I have been mulling over two scriptures that on first read were 'yep-check, good verse but not underlining and leap of the page as applicable for today but hey alot can happen in 20 hours of daytime!!
Colossians 3:13
Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. Hmmm even tempered, content- they have not been in abundance lately, then came my opportunity to forgive, I have to say- really not so quick.
My DD gym teacher sent her home a demerits note for me to sign and return for not having her full uniform for the 2nd time this year. He had dates as evidence of the misdemeanor- the first was on the day dear 3yo was readmitted to hospital some 300km away facing emergency surgery to untwist her bowel, the second was today when she put on her jacket without her jumper ( as her classmate spilt paint all over her new pure wool school jumper and kilt yesterday and we had to leave them in at the drycleaners to see if they can be salvaged or if it is going to be a new full uniform.) We had a spare size up kilt. (& some VERY talented mumma pinning at 10pm last night) but no spare woolen jumper, so when the temp got down to 3'C and the sleet started to fall DD put on her jacket. Apparently you must nit wear your jacket without your jumper- if she had her jumper she could wear her jacket but just a jacket - nope! Not on! Demeritable offence with a letter home to prove it.
How do I respond?!, my mumma dander is ruffled big time, I am ready to march down there.... You get the picture and it's not a pretty one, I've been wronged, my bear cub has been threatened and bless me I'm in the right- not much grace, or quick forgiveness, hmmmm...
For months I have had not much that I can do, then hey- this obscure lil situation over a uniform comes up and wham!! Off comes my head, peace goes, grace gone, forgiveness and mercy well they didn't even get in the room. Then back comes Colossians 3:13
Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you." hmmmmmm.
Thank you Lord for lessons learned in deep ditches, Thank you Lord for lessons learned by stubborn heads, Thank you Lord that DD didn't give me that note til after the school switchboard was closed ( see-never say teens dont have wisdom- clearly they do!!)
Thank you Lord for my second scripture today:
Psalm 119:173 says "Let Your hand become my help". Fear not, I am with you - O be not dismayed, For I am thy God, I will still give you aid, I'll strengthen you, help you, and cause you to stand, Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand."
Thank you Lord for being gentle with me as I learn I am not really standing at all and mostly Lord thank you that you have me held in your hand,
Hugs all, goodnight- I have a 4 hour power nap to do :)
Thankful Thursday,
word Wednesday
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Slow Cooker Lasagna
My neighbour gave me this recipe for cooking a lasagna in the slow cooker- she tried it and just raved about it- so tomorrow I'm jumping in and having a go!! Mind- I'm really particular about my lasagna but I am definately developing a dependence on my slow cooker so while my dear hubby is away for work again this week :( I am going to try it out on the DD's 13 & 3!!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Completing Him Challenge at Women Living Well
Courtney over at Women Living Well is running a new challenge!!
Courtney is a passionate and gifted teacher who has blessed me so much with her commonsense approach to teaching women to be proverbs 31/ titus 2 women.
I am so excited to be part of this challenge. It is a chance to open new areas of communication within my marriage and to recapture some of the "passion of our youth" Im really looking forward to the next few weeks and share the journey with you, please pop over and have a look at what is on:

Completing Him challenge,
Friday, June 4, 2010
She did a Wee!!!
Lil DD "C" did a wee on the potty!! I have left the potty prominently in the
lounge room and have decided I would not make an issue of the whole toilet
thing(she was fully toilet trained a year ago but since the E hit has been back in nappies full time and had no control at all) and I had just taken her nappy off and l was getting her dry tracksuit pants from drying beside the fire and she said "wee" and i pointed to the potty and she sat on it and DID A WEE!!!!
So sorry to be this excited but wow u should have seen me at the actual event-today is 4 months to the day that this illness entered our lives and we have had a leap forward today!!!!!!!
lounge room and have decided I would not make an issue of the whole toilet
thing(she was fully toilet trained a year ago but since the E hit has been back in nappies full time and had no control at all) and I had just taken her nappy off and l was getting her dry tracksuit pants from drying beside the fire and she said "wee" and i pointed to the potty and she sat on it and DID A WEE!!!!
So sorry to be this excited but wow u should have seen me at the actual event-today is 4 months to the day that this illness entered our lives and we have had a leap forward today!!!!!!!
Thankful Thursday
Thursday, June 3, 2010
How are you dressed today?
Today I am praising God for the beautiful weather. It is a gorgeous sunny day with a lovely breeze. My plan was to get some washing done. Then came a lesson from The Lord in my washday.
We all give a fair bit of attention to our clothes. After all, we pay good money for them or have taken our time to measure, cut and sew them.
Today my verse was Colossians 3.12-14
So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. (The Message)
"Put on" is an instruction to do something on purpose. To make a decision ahead of time on how we are going to act. God is instructing us to on purpose put on mercy, put on peace, gentle ways, humility and most of all put on love. I have to do these things on purpose- giving them my attention.
Every morning I get dressed. When I get dressed- I give my attention to making sure that my clothes match, that the colours and textures go together. I check that the clothes that I am putting on are clean, properly fitting and appropriate. I also take care when I select the clothes by giving consideration to outside influences, such as the weather, to make sure I am protected. The conditions that I wear my clothes in will effect what I put on that day. If the day is very cold and rainy I put on more clothes.
We know that we live in an age of wickedness, just take a look at any news stand or news bulletin. The Word tells us: Matt 24.. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains.
We know we live in dark times. We don’t even have to look globally. We just have to drive to our local store: on the way we see road rage, rude attitudes of people, swearing, lazy attitudes of thoughtless people, some days these people are even ourselves!- I am ashamed to say just how mad I can get when someone cuts me off or the cashier is talking on the phone when I’m in a hurry to pay and get going, my attitude alone is evidence enough!
It is really important that we take care and attention in our spiritual dressing each morning before we start our day and prepare to meet its pressures and headaches and frustrations. We need to accurately assess the climate in which we live. We know that in our daily lives the enemy makes it his business to mess around stealing our peace and joy. John 10.10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; Every day we see evidence of this in anger, frustrations and resentments invading our homes, our marriages, our attitudes. We need to purposefully dress for these conditions so that we are well protected and prepared.
I take care doing my buttons & tying my shoe laces, I usually check in the mirror that I haven’t missed anything and that I am ready for the day. In the same way I need to check my preparation against the Word of God- held up against the Scriptures- does the “end result” of how I appear reflect Godliness. Am I showing and living in an attitude of love, peace and joy? Am I walking in love? I may want to show off my beautiful designer jacket but if it has a big stain on it I will have to do some serious work to get it presentable again. So it is with my life, when I fall into sins such as pride, selfishness and anger, I am showing a stain which is an area that needs some pre- treating to get it cleaned and right. If I simply ignore my bad attitudes they will set and remain spoiling the whole garment.
Some days I get up and get dressed quickly and don’t get it right and my dear 13yo says "lovingly" that I don’t match- I haven’t done a good job of preparing and I need to adjust my choices to be well dressed. Similarly some days my circumstances tell me that I haven’t done a good job of getting spiritually dressed too. I don’t put on enough "mercy"- I scream at my kids when they are clumsy or slow. I get frustrated if I am waiting and the checkout line is long. I need to take time in those times to make the effort to go back and put on "mercy" on purpose. I can be self controlled with my kids. I can correct them gently and lovingly without yelling- I need to prepare my heart to do that EVERY day. It is not an easy thing for an over tired, busy mum to be gentle. I find it is not a character quality that I naturally have. I need to spend extra time giving attention to this area.
A considerable part of my chore time as a mum is spent on clothes. We make such preparations for getting dressed even before the actual act of getting dressed begins-we sort, spray (treating spots and stains that left unchecked would ruin a garment) we wash, dry, iron and fold clothes, so that the family has all that we need to get dressed each morning. I really want to make a priority to spend time IN each day soaking in the Word. Not to grab a hurried minutes but to really treasure the time as a priority.
I wonder what my days would look like if I spend time- even 5 minutes every morning- getting spiritually dressed on purpose, before I start my day.
How are you dressed today?
We all give a fair bit of attention to our clothes. After all, we pay good money for them or have taken our time to measure, cut and sew them.
Today my verse was Colossians 3.12-14
So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. (The Message)
"Put on" is an instruction to do something on purpose. To make a decision ahead of time on how we are going to act. God is instructing us to on purpose put on mercy, put on peace, gentle ways, humility and most of all put on love. I have to do these things on purpose- giving them my attention.
Every morning I get dressed. When I get dressed- I give my attention to making sure that my clothes match, that the colours and textures go together. I check that the clothes that I am putting on are clean, properly fitting and appropriate. I also take care when I select the clothes by giving consideration to outside influences, such as the weather, to make sure I am protected. The conditions that I wear my clothes in will effect what I put on that day. If the day is very cold and rainy I put on more clothes.
We know that we live in an age of wickedness, just take a look at any news stand or news bulletin. The Word tells us: Matt 24.. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains.
We know we live in dark times. We don’t even have to look globally. We just have to drive to our local store: on the way we see road rage, rude attitudes of people, swearing, lazy attitudes of thoughtless people, some days these people are even ourselves!- I am ashamed to say just how mad I can get when someone cuts me off or the cashier is talking on the phone when I’m in a hurry to pay and get going, my attitude alone is evidence enough!
It is really important that we take care and attention in our spiritual dressing each morning before we start our day and prepare to meet its pressures and headaches and frustrations. We need to accurately assess the climate in which we live. We know that in our daily lives the enemy makes it his business to mess around stealing our peace and joy. John 10.10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; Every day we see evidence of this in anger, frustrations and resentments invading our homes, our marriages, our attitudes. We need to purposefully dress for these conditions so that we are well protected and prepared.
I take care doing my buttons & tying my shoe laces, I usually check in the mirror that I haven’t missed anything and that I am ready for the day. In the same way I need to check my preparation against the Word of God- held up against the Scriptures- does the “end result” of how I appear reflect Godliness. Am I showing and living in an attitude of love, peace and joy? Am I walking in love? I may want to show off my beautiful designer jacket but if it has a big stain on it I will have to do some serious work to get it presentable again. So it is with my life, when I fall into sins such as pride, selfishness and anger, I am showing a stain which is an area that needs some pre- treating to get it cleaned and right. If I simply ignore my bad attitudes they will set and remain spoiling the whole garment.
Some days I get up and get dressed quickly and don’t get it right and my dear 13yo says "lovingly" that I don’t match- I haven’t done a good job of preparing and I need to adjust my choices to be well dressed. Similarly some days my circumstances tell me that I haven’t done a good job of getting spiritually dressed too. I don’t put on enough "mercy"- I scream at my kids when they are clumsy or slow. I get frustrated if I am waiting and the checkout line is long. I need to take time in those times to make the effort to go back and put on "mercy" on purpose. I can be self controlled with my kids. I can correct them gently and lovingly without yelling- I need to prepare my heart to do that EVERY day. It is not an easy thing for an over tired, busy mum to be gentle. I find it is not a character quality that I naturally have. I need to spend extra time giving attention to this area.
A considerable part of my chore time as a mum is spent on clothes. We make such preparations for getting dressed even before the actual act of getting dressed begins-we sort, spray (treating spots and stains that left unchecked would ruin a garment) we wash, dry, iron and fold clothes, so that the family has all that we need to get dressed each morning. I really want to make a priority to spend time IN each day soaking in the Word. Not to grab a hurried minutes but to really treasure the time as a priority.
I wonder what my days would look like if I spend time- even 5 minutes every morning- getting spiritually dressed on purpose, before I start my day.
How are you dressed today?
Creamy Smoked Paprika Chicken
This is a recipe I got in the new philly cheese cookbook.
1 T oil
4 Chicken fillets
1 large onion
2 cloves garlic crushes (or 1T minced garlic from jar)
2t smoked paprika
1 x 400gm crushed tomatoes
250ml Philadelphia light cream for cooking
S & P to taste
2 T chopped parsley
Heat 1/2 oil in pan, add chicken, cook 3-4 mins each side til brown. set aside
Add rest of oil, saute onion & garlic til softened- 3 mins.
Add paprika,saute 1 min, stir in tomatoes. Return chicken to pan and simmer covered 10-12 mins til chicken is cooked through.
Stir in the philly cream, seasonings and parsley. Heat 2-3 mins
Serve with steamed veg.
Very easy and really yummy- we will be eating this again.
1 T oil
4 Chicken fillets
1 large onion
2 cloves garlic crushes (or 1T minced garlic from jar)
2t smoked paprika
1 x 400gm crushed tomatoes
250ml Philadelphia light cream for cooking
S & P to taste
2 T chopped parsley
Heat 1/2 oil in pan, add chicken, cook 3-4 mins each side til brown. set aside
Add rest of oil, saute onion & garlic til softened- 3 mins.
Add paprika,saute 1 min, stir in tomatoes. Return chicken to pan and simmer covered 10-12 mins til chicken is cooked through.
Stir in the philly cream, seasonings and parsley. Heat 2-3 mins
Serve with steamed veg.
Very easy and really yummy- we will be eating this again.
tempt my tummy tuesday,
tuesday's table
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Managing Monday's- Meal Plan day.
Weekday breakfasts are cereal and toast.
Lunches during the wweek are sandwiches of ham, salami,cheese, tuna or chicken & mayo (in those little cans- so yum)
Monday: Leftover Chicken Brick and vegies
Tuesday: Creamy smoked paprika chicken and steam veg (so easy)
Wednesday: Fish with Herb cream and chips/wedges
Thursday: Meat, veg & chive mashed potato
Friday: Slow cooker Beef & Red wine ragout and crusty rolls
Saturday: BF: Toast, egg and spaghetti, banana cake & muffins for snacks, Ham & salad sandwiches for lunch, Dinner: Homemade pizza
Sunday: BF: ham, eggs,grilled tomato, mushys, hash browns & pancakes. Lunch is leftover beef in rolls, Dinner is Salmon and herbed cream and aspargus, potato bake.
I am really loving the organisation and variety that sitting down and actually planning my meals is giving me. Also my shopping days are so much less stressful- I know exactly what I need to get. I am hoping we will have less waste and confusion at that 5pm witching hour by having some meals that I can prepare earlier in the day at hopefully a more quiet moment, or some tasks I can delegate to my 13yo helper ahead of time rather than that frantic cupboard gaze after the day has melted down into tears and catastrophe!!!
Lunches during the wweek are sandwiches of ham, salami,cheese, tuna or chicken & mayo (in those little cans- so yum)
Monday: Leftover Chicken Brick and vegies
Tuesday: Creamy smoked paprika chicken and steam veg (so easy)
Wednesday: Fish with Herb cream and chips/wedges
Thursday: Meat, veg & chive mashed potato
Friday: Slow cooker Beef & Red wine ragout and crusty rolls
Saturday: BF: Toast, egg and spaghetti, banana cake & muffins for snacks, Ham & salad sandwiches for lunch, Dinner: Homemade pizza
Sunday: BF: ham, eggs,grilled tomato, mushys, hash browns & pancakes. Lunch is leftover beef in rolls, Dinner is Salmon and herbed cream and aspargus, potato bake.
I am really loving the organisation and variety that sitting down and actually planning my meals is giving me. Also my shopping days are so much less stressful- I know exactly what I need to get. I am hoping we will have less waste and confusion at that 5pm witching hour by having some meals that I can prepare earlier in the day at hopefully a more quiet moment, or some tasks I can delegate to my 13yo helper ahead of time rather than that frantic cupboard gaze after the day has melted down into tears and catastrophe!!!
meal planning
Friday, May 28, 2010
ABC's of Marriage
I read the ABC's of Marriage over at Homemaker's By Choice and I think the really simple things are often overlooked when stress comes and Mum's get tired. I needed a reminder of these simple things that show value and love to my Prince. I have printed them to remind me. :
26 Ways to Build Your Marriage on Holy Ground
Always kiss each other upon departing.
Be there for your spouse. Always.
Create an environment of love.
Do it. Now.
Escape from the kids.
Fight fair.
Give of your time.
Handle with care.
Inspire your spouse with your love.
Judge not.
Keep your good memories alive.
Listen to your spouse.
Make love with your spouse’s needs foremost.
Never go o bed mad.
Offer to handle an unpleasant chore.
Praise your spouse.
Quality Time isn’t just for kids.
Respect your spouse’s feelings.
Say what you feel when you feel it.
Tell your spouse you love him or her every day. Every day. Every day.Every
Understand your differences.
Valentine’s Day is every day.
Walk together. Talk together.
Excite your spouse as only you know how.
You can never say “I love you” too often.
Zero in on your spouse’s little passions.
26 Ways to Build Your Marriage on Holy Ground
Always kiss each other upon departing.
Be there for your spouse. Always.
Create an environment of love.
Do it. Now.
Escape from the kids.
Fight fair.
Give of your time.
Handle with care.
Inspire your spouse with your love.
Judge not.
Keep your good memories alive.
Listen to your spouse.
Make love with your spouse’s needs foremost.
Never go o bed mad.
Offer to handle an unpleasant chore.
Praise your spouse.
Quality Time isn’t just for kids.
Respect your spouse’s feelings.
Say what you feel when you feel it.
Tell your spouse you love him or her every day. Every day. Every day.Every
Understand your differences.
Valentine’s Day is every day.
Walk together. Talk together.
Excite your spouse as only you know how.
You can never say “I love you” too often.
Zero in on your spouse’s little passions.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Made some really yummy cordial!!
When my aunty was visiting she had a recipe for some lemon cordial and I have run out of cold drinks today and had some lemons in the fridge so I thought I'd give it a try. IT WAS SUPERB!!!
The toddler loves it too.
I juiced four lemons.
I took the peels and cut them into chunks, all the stuff off the top of the squeezer and put them into a saucepan with 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar (the recipe said 1.5 cup sugar so add that if you like but I didnt need it)
Bring to the boil & then simmer for 4 mins. It looks a bit of a mess!! Doesnt matter - you strain it later/
Add a few sprigs of mint, boil 1 more minute.
Strain into a bottle.
Put in the fridge and use just like lemon cordial (dilute about 1:5)
It tastes just like shop bought lemon cordial with no preservatives, chemicals and less sugar. I put it into our regular cordial bottle and didnt tell anyone and everyone commented on how good the cordial was!!
Have a taste- Its a hit :)
The toddler loves it too.
I juiced four lemons.
I took the peels and cut them into chunks, all the stuff off the top of the squeezer and put them into a saucepan with 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar (the recipe said 1.5 cup sugar so add that if you like but I didnt need it)
Bring to the boil & then simmer for 4 mins. It looks a bit of a mess!! Doesnt matter - you strain it later/
Add a few sprigs of mint, boil 1 more minute.
Strain into a bottle.
Put in the fridge and use just like lemon cordial (dilute about 1:5)
It tastes just like shop bought lemon cordial with no preservatives, chemicals and less sugar. I put it into our regular cordial bottle and didnt tell anyone and everyone commented on how good the cordial was!!
Have a taste- Its a hit :)
Last monday DH had to go back to work- He has been off since January and just as I was wondering how I was going to manage alone I got a phone call from my sister in the blue mountains and my aunt & uncle who are retired and on a 3 month road trip wanted to know if they could come & help.They came here last tuesday and stayed a full week til this morning- talk about praying for practical help to come- just when I thought I would be alone a live in helper that loves cuddling & reading to the toddler & pegging out washing arrives as my first houseguest in the 7 years we have lived here!!!!
I had a MRI & angiogram on Saturday and was fitted into a cancellation with the Neurologist Professor yesterday. He assessed me for 70 minutes (usually you are in and out and have no idea.) He explained everything I can expect and He even had a huge interest in what had happened and following our toddler up as she recovers from the encephalitis so we can save some big trips to sydney.
He said that I have not had a complete stroke and that the MRI shows that there is no permanent damage at all in my brain. He says that I am to take 100mg asprin for the rest of my life and that will prevent it from ever happening again. He says that it will take between 2-6weeks and I will have full use of my arm & my face & my sight in the left eye will be back to normal and that I will then be able to drive again! ( I live on a farm 30 minutes out of town and DH travels away for work every other week so that was a HUGE concern.
The problem can be big- but God IS INDEED BIGGER
Have a great day,
Last monday DH had to go back to work- He has been off since January and just as I was wondering how I was going to manage alone I got a phone call from my sister in the blue mountains and my aunt & uncle who are retired and on a 3 month road trip wanted to know if they could come & help.They came here last tuesday and stayed a full week til this morning- talk about praying for practical help to come- just when I thought I would be alone a live in helper that loves cuddling & reading to the toddler & pegging out washing arrives as my first houseguest in the 7 years we have lived here!!!!
I had a MRI & angiogram on Saturday and was fitted into a cancellation with the Neurologist Professor yesterday. He assessed me for 70 minutes (usually you are in and out and have no idea.) He explained everything I can expect and He even had a huge interest in what had happened and following our toddler up as she recovers from the encephalitis so we can save some big trips to sydney.
He said that I have not had a complete stroke and that the MRI shows that there is no permanent damage at all in my brain. He says that I am to take 100mg asprin for the rest of my life and that will prevent it from ever happening again. He says that it will take between 2-6weeks and I will have full use of my arm & my face & my sight in the left eye will be back to normal and that I will then be able to drive again! ( I live on a farm 30 minutes out of town and DH travels away for work every other week so that was a HUGE concern.
The problem can be big- but God IS INDEED BIGGER
Have a great day,
Monday, May 24, 2010
Still on hold??
I am so challenged by what I read this am over in "the Quiet Corner" & I'm glad I have the whole day (including many hours in the car) to think on it. Seemingly simple enough but in practice God is going to have to do a mighty work!!!
"Respond out of mind set rather than mood." (Col. 3:2)
"When we trust our lives to the hand and pen of an unseen but ever present God, He will write our lives into His story and every last one of them will turn out to be a great read. With a grand ending. And not just in spite of catastrophes. Often because of them. Don't just wait and see. Live and see." this is a quote from Beth Moore's study on Esther and is good words for me as we face more medical appointments.
My life & our family life is for living & rejoicing-always despite circumstances- God doesn't want to put us on "hold" til life settles down but He wants us to live in His peace & grace during these tough times.
I know He gives me strength- mine ran out months ago.
"Respond out of mind set rather than mood." (Col. 3:2)
"When we trust our lives to the hand and pen of an unseen but ever present God, He will write our lives into His story and every last one of them will turn out to be a great read. With a grand ending. And not just in spite of catastrophes. Often because of them. Don't just wait and see. Live and see." this is a quote from Beth Moore's study on Esther and is good words for me as we face more medical appointments.
My life & our family life is for living & rejoicing-always despite circumstances- God doesn't want to put us on "hold" til life settles down but He wants us to live in His peace & grace during these tough times.
I know He gives me strength- mine ran out months ago.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Who's in control?
Again so late but this is the first quiet minutes I have had all day & it will soon be tomorrow & the madness will all start again.
A friend has been reading in Second Samuel, and she has been sharing such wisdom and has blessed me by what she has been reflecting on in her studies. After her thoughts I was really interested in looking into this part of the OT. I was really challenged to think on how I act/ react in difficult situations.- and we have had ALOT of difficult situations recently that have sent my emotions flying. My friend pointed out that David did not have to take down his opponents - he trusted in God and God was very much in control.
I like most women, like to be in charge and fix things or "make it right" - I am definately self-reliant and I know this has come from my history. I need to open mself to the Holy Spirit's direction in this area.
My lesson today is maybe I need to read the message that DH bought me & hung above my coffee machine "good morning this is God, today I will be handling all your problems & I won't be needing your help so relax & have a good day"
I pray you are having a good day too!
Thanks for stopping by.
A friend has been reading in Second Samuel, and she has been sharing such wisdom and has blessed me by what she has been reflecting on in her studies. After her thoughts I was really interested in looking into this part of the OT. I was really challenged to think on how I act/ react in difficult situations.- and we have had ALOT of difficult situations recently that have sent my emotions flying. My friend pointed out that David did not have to take down his opponents - he trusted in God and God was very much in control.
I like most women, like to be in charge and fix things or "make it right" - I am definately self-reliant and I know this has come from my history. I need to open mself to the Holy Spirit's direction in this area.
My lesson today is maybe I need to read the message that DH bought me & hung above my coffee machine "good morning this is God, today I will be handling all your problems & I won't be needing your help so relax & have a good day"
I pray you are having a good day too!
Thanks for stopping by.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Decluttering I go!!
I have gone on a mission to de-clutter my life & my home.
I need to be able to de-stress and this cluttered disorganised home is not helping!!
I did my pantry and freezer 2 weeks ago and I made a big list that is in my iphone of whats in there and it has helped with my shopping and meal planning heaps.
We could go a month without needing to put anything else in there!!
Going to tackle under the kitchen sink next, wish me luck- Im going in!!
I need to be able to de-stress and this cluttered disorganised home is not helping!!
I did my pantry and freezer 2 weeks ago and I made a big list that is in my iphone of whats in there and it has helped with my shopping and meal planning heaps.
We could go a month without needing to put anything else in there!!
Going to tackle under the kitchen sink next, wish me luck- Im going in!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Managing Monday- Am I managing?
Today is very quiet at home.
My DH went back to work after being off for the last 4 months. We have had a season as a family of health crisises. Firstly it was DH that was ill, then our toddler contracted encephalitis after an ear infection and was hospitalised for a month and the family was on full stress mode.
As a mum I have been doing, doing, doing- planning & working to create a stable, peaceful home. I have been running on empty emotionally and my time with God has suffered. I have spent time reading in The Word, but most of my prayer times have been in the "desparate plea" category.
Last week this stress caught up with me.
I was sitting with my teen helping her prepare for her NAPLAN tests which grade her reading & writing & numeracy for her age and compare it nationally.
I felt an odd sensation in my head and I lost a part of my vision in my eye. I had a mini stroke.
I went to the hospital and this week has been one big blur surrounded by very worried faces. The Dr has started some medicine to keep my Blood pressure down and has said that it has ben a timely warning that I need to take better care of my family by taking better care of me.
This has forced me to have a long hard look at what I do and why I do it. What is necessary in my day and what just isnt. What things do I consider important and a "must have" in my day and funnily enough - those things are usually the things that I have been foregoing in order to keep on top of everything else- like my time with God, my Family First Four,(the first things I say to each person each day is a greeting not an instruction and endeavouring to keep a mental tally of 4 specific times that I tell each one "I love you" each day)I want to change my focus from tasks back to the people that I am striving to make this home a place of security and peace.
What do you give your energy to, is it wearing you out? is it important to you or to your family? What is necessary? What are your goals for your family as a mum?
This week is a time of change for me - a time of back to basics:
* Spending time reading & praying as a priority- not an after-thought
* Remembering my "Family First Four"
* taking time to love & play!
have a wonderful week,( and maybe a good nap or 2!!)
My DH went back to work after being off for the last 4 months. We have had a season as a family of health crisises. Firstly it was DH that was ill, then our toddler contracted encephalitis after an ear infection and was hospitalised for a month and the family was on full stress mode.
As a mum I have been doing, doing, doing- planning & working to create a stable, peaceful home. I have been running on empty emotionally and my time with God has suffered. I have spent time reading in The Word, but most of my prayer times have been in the "desparate plea" category.
Last week this stress caught up with me.
I was sitting with my teen helping her prepare for her NAPLAN tests which grade her reading & writing & numeracy for her age and compare it nationally.
I felt an odd sensation in my head and I lost a part of my vision in my eye. I had a mini stroke.
I went to the hospital and this week has been one big blur surrounded by very worried faces. The Dr has started some medicine to keep my Blood pressure down and has said that it has ben a timely warning that I need to take better care of my family by taking better care of me.
This has forced me to have a long hard look at what I do and why I do it. What is necessary in my day and what just isnt. What things do I consider important and a "must have" in my day and funnily enough - those things are usually the things that I have been foregoing in order to keep on top of everything else- like my time with God, my Family First Four,(the first things I say to each person each day is a greeting not an instruction and endeavouring to keep a mental tally of 4 specific times that I tell each one "I love you" each day)I want to change my focus from tasks back to the people that I am striving to make this home a place of security and peace.
What do you give your energy to, is it wearing you out? is it important to you or to your family? What is necessary? What are your goals for your family as a mum?
This week is a time of change for me - a time of back to basics:
* Spending time reading & praying as a priority- not an after-thought
* Remembering my "Family First Four"
* taking time to love & play!
have a wonderful week,( and maybe a good nap or 2!!)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Get your own coke- gulp!!
I struggle with emotions that I feel everyday. I get sooo mad when I am tired and the family want, want, want from me all the time. I feel used & unappreciated & when I look at individual examples (always drinking the last of my drink and never filling the cup, leaving me with no toilet paper on the roll, waiting til I sit down until asking me to get them a drink - afterall it is just as far for D. to get up & get it as it is for me!
Reading 1 Samuel 18-19 look at the consequences of letting a thought go- in that case it was jealous thought that did not get dealt with and in my case I am indulging thoughts that are just as dangerous.
We are commanded by Jesus to take every thought captive- why? Because they are the seeds that bring destruction into our lives. Hold up my thoughts to the 1Cor 14 that I was talking about below and it is immediately obvious that it is not patient, longsuffering or kind. I could also go over to Prov 31 and see if my thoughts lined up with our Biblical example of a Godly wife & mother. I don't think I need to, though my friends may agree if I whine to them God doesn't-Instead He gives me grace when I seek to be the wife & mother that He calls me to be. I desperately need that grace- I can't do it on my own!
Reading 1 Samuel 18-19 look at the consequences of letting a thought go- in that case it was jealous thought that did not get dealt with and in my case I am indulging thoughts that are just as dangerous.
We are commanded by Jesus to take every thought captive- why? Because they are the seeds that bring destruction into our lives. Hold up my thoughts to the 1Cor 14 that I was talking about below and it is immediately obvious that it is not patient, longsuffering or kind. I could also go over to Prov 31 and see if my thoughts lined up with our Biblical example of a Godly wife & mother. I don't think I need to, though my friends may agree if I whine to them God doesn't-Instead He gives me grace when I seek to be the wife & mother that He calls me to be. I desperately need that grace- I can't do it on my own!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Oh dear! Out of my mouth, my heart speaks!
I was reading in 1 Corintians 13 & I started reading with a yeah, yep know the verse almost reading ahead of the words because it is so familiar- oh no- Holy Spirit jolt- I got an email that I flipped to : as I was waiting to here from a friend it wasn't her but another and when I read the mail I was instantly cranky, what did this person think,why can't they just get organised! They did this last time tools they expect me to just....
What have I just read, what I know so well- word for word that I can arrogantly skip overly but O domt really lnow it- it hasn't made it from my head to my heart or to my mouth. I feel so convicted by this & want to hold up my day, my words, thoughts & actions to this chapter.
Love is definitely others-centered (4-7) and perserveres (8-10). We all know that.
Where I think we all need help is maturing in our love walk(11) and being patient with others and ourselves (12).
This is an exercise alot of people have also seen before. I challenge you to sit quietly before God and truely examine your actions not skip over like I nearly did.
"Here is a little exercise to see if you are a loving person. Put your name in the blanks below and see if you are living what the Scriptures say you should be.
__________ is patient and kind;
__________ does not envy or boast;
__________ is not arrogant or rude.
__________ does not insist on her own way;
__________ is not irritable or resentful;
__________ does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
__________ bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, [and] endures all things.
__________ perseveres.
Have a blessed day,
What have I just read, what I know so well- word for word that I can arrogantly skip overly but O domt really lnow it- it hasn't made it from my head to my heart or to my mouth. I feel so convicted by this & want to hold up my day, my words, thoughts & actions to this chapter.
Love is definitely others-centered (4-7) and perserveres (8-10). We all know that.
Where I think we all need help is maturing in our love walk(11) and being patient with others and ourselves (12).
This is an exercise alot of people have also seen before. I challenge you to sit quietly before God and truely examine your actions not skip over like I nearly did.
"Here is a little exercise to see if you are a loving person. Put your name in the blanks below and see if you are living what the Scriptures say you should be.
__________ is patient and kind;
__________ does not envy or boast;
__________ is not arrogant or rude.
__________ does not insist on her own way;
__________ is not irritable or resentful;
__________ does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
__________ bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, [and] endures all things.
__________ perseveres.
Have a blessed day,
Faith Filled Friday
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Well it is thankful Thursday and I am truely thankful.
The day started before daybreak- wretched daylight savings!! - the 3 y d still has not adjusted & there is something very unsavoury about getting up when there is still a 4 in the time :(
We had such a good day- lil bub was so settled- no pain, no really terrible encephalopathic-brain type odd behaviours- the girls enjoyed each other- they sang songs in the bath, played together well and DH painted a little bit of the lounge room wall.
I don't know the future- will tomorrow be good or not- have we turned a corner? I don't know- thats ok because I know & trust the One who does!
Well it is thankful Thursday and I am truely thankful.
The day started before daybreak- wretched daylight savings!! - the 3 y d still has not adjusted & there is something very unsavoury about getting up when there is still a 4 in the time :(
We had such a good day- lil bub was so settled- no pain, no really terrible encephalopathic-brain type odd behaviours- the girls enjoyed each other- they sang songs in the bath, played together well and DH painted a little bit of the lounge room wall.
I don't know the future- will tomorrow be good or not- have we turned a corner? I don't know- thats ok because I know & trust the One who does!
Thankful Thursday
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